Congratulations to Honours graduate Sophie Coombs who has been awarded a prestigious scholarship to be part of the ‘Sélection Internationale of the École Normale Supérieure’ (ENS) in Paris.
Professor Felicity Meakins appointment as an Australian Research Council (ARC) College of Experts (CoE) Member for the Humanities and Creative Arts (HCA) Panel in the HASS Faculty.
Growing up in a safe house with some of Chile's most-wanted political fugitives, Dr Sol Rojas-Lizana reveals the hidden memories of her childhood and how they have inspired a graphic novel.
Dr Lucy Fraser awarded an Australia-Japan Foundation (DFAT) grant to hold inaugural gathering of authors, artists, audiences, and academics of the fantastic.
Congratulations to Associate Professor and Reader in Japanese Studies David Chapman for being appointed President of the Japanese Studies Association of Australia (JSAA).
Congratulations to linguist Professor Felicity Meakins and her research team who have won the Eureka prize for excellence in interdisciplinary scientific research.