What's my language level?

All languages offered for study within the School of Languages and Cultures can be undertaken at a beginners through to advanced level. Programs in these languages are available to undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Go to our online language course placement advisor and answer a short questionnaire. In most cases the system will recommend the starting course you should enrol in. For more complex cases, you will be advised how to proceed.
Language Course Placement Advisor
Further information about each language is available below.
Students may study Chinese courses as electives in their degree, or complete a Chinese Major.
Chinese Majors can be undertaken by students from:
- Introductory level (no previous knowledge of Chinese)
- Intermediate or post-secondary level (for students who have studied Senior Chinese at school)
Separate course starting points apply for students at each level.
A pathway that shows courses over 3 years is available.
Chinese and Chinese Translation & Interpreting
Students may study Chinese or Chinese Translation & Interpreting courses as electives in their degree, or complete a Chinese or Chinese Translation & Interpreting Major.
Chinese Majors can be undertaken by students from:
- Introductory level (no previous knowledge of Chinese)
- Intermediate or post-secondary level (for students who have studied Senior Chinese at school)
The Chinese Translation and Interpreting Major is designed for students who are native Chinese speakers.
Separate course starting points apply for students at each level.
A pathway that shows courses over 3 years is available.
Students may study French courses as an elective in their degree or complete a French Major or French Advanced Major. Separate course starting points apply for students in each category. A pathway that shows courses over 3 years is available.
French Majors and French Advanced Majors can be undertaken by students from:
- Introductory level (beginners or students who have done less than 2 years of French at secondary school)
- Intermediate level (students who have studied 2 years of ab initio (beginner) French at high school, or Year 12 French more than 2 years ago)
- Students who have studied Year 12 French at school in the last 2 years
- Students who have completed Year 12 French and spent 6 months or longer in a French-speaking country (entry via placement test)
Courses available in each stream are also listed on UQ's Courses and Programs site.
Students may study German courses as electives in their degree or complete a German Major.
German Majors can be undertaken at:
- Introductory level (that is little or no previous knowledge of German or students who completed Year 12 German no more than five years ago)
- Post-secondary level. For students who have successfully completed Year 12 German no later than five years ago
Separate course starting points apply for students in each category.
A pathway that shows courses over 3 years is available.
Courses available in each stream are also listed on UQ's Courses and Programs site.
Students may study Indonesian courses as electives in their degree, or complete an Indonesian Major.
Indonesian Majors can be undertaken by students from:
- Introductory level (no previous knowledge of Indonesian)
- Intermediate level (for students with Senior Indonesian or equivalent)
Separate course starting points apply for students in each category.
A pathway that shows courses over 3 years is available.
Courses available in each stream are also listed on UQ's Courses and Programs site.
Students may study Japanese courses as electives in their degree, or complete a Japanese Major, Japanese Advanced Major or Japanese Advanced Extended Major.
Japanese Majors, Advanced Majors and Advanced Extended Majors can be undertaken as follows:
- Introductory level (no previous knowledge of Japanese)
- For students who have studied Year 12 Japanese at school and spent less than six months in Japan
- For advanced students of Japanese who have completed Year 12 Japanese in the past 3 years and received a VHA, OR students who have completed Year 12 Japanese in the past 3 years and received a HA or SA and have also spent more than six months studying in Japan.
Separate course starting points apply for students in each category.
A pathway that shows courses over 3 years is available.
View pathway for Advanced Major
Courses available in each stream are also listed on UQ's Courses and Programs site.
Students may study Korean courses as electives in their degree, or complete a Korean Major.
Korean Majors can be undertaken by students from:
- Introductory level (no previous knowledge of Korean)
- Post-secondary students of Korean
Separate course starting points apply for students in each category.
A pathway that shows courses over 3 years is available.
Courses available in each stream are also listed on UQ's Courses and Programs site.
Students may study Russian courses as electives in their degree, or complete a Russian Minor.
Introductory language courses assume no prior knowledge in Russian. Other students should consult the Discipline Coordinator for advice on planning their courses.
A pathway that shows courses for the Russian Minor over 3 years is available.
Courses available in each stream are listed on UQ's Courses and Programs site.
Students may study Spanish courses as electives in their degree, or complete a Spanish Major.
Spanish Majors can be undertaken by students from:
- Introductory level (no previous knowledge of Spanish) or by continuing students of Spanish (students who have studied Senior Spanish at school)
- Students who are native or fluent speakers of Spanish.
Separate course starting points apply for students in each category.
A pathway that shows courses over 3 years is available.
Courses available in each stream are also listed on UQ's Courses and Programs site.