Welcome to the School of Languages and Cultures.
Study at a university in the world's top 50.
News and insights
Kafka's Trials
2024 QLD Asian Languages School Teacher Enhancement Workshop
Ranked in the top 100 QS World University Rankings by Subject
Create change in our global society
Languages are central to human life. They are the glue that binds our societies together, and underpin all aspects of life; from everyday interactions in our personal lives through to governance and work at all levels of society. In an increasingly interconnected world, the demand for graduates with high levels of proficiency in key world and regional languages and advanced cultural knowledge is on the rise.
At the School of Languages and Cultures we seek to further knowledge and understanding about language and the intersection of language and culture. Our staff specialise in researching and teaching a range of world languages as well as languages of Australia, and about the cultures with which they are inextricably linked.
General enquiries
Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday
10am to 12pm and 1pm to 3pm
Location: Room 320, Gordon Greenwood Building (32)
Phone: (+61 7) 3365 6311
Fax number: (+61 7) 3365 6799
Email: languages-cultures@uq.edu.au