Abstract: These days a lot of lip service is paid to preparing Australia for the Asian century, particularly for having more China experts.  However, for many years, retention rates in Chinese language programs in Queensland schools have been dropping as heritage learners (HLs) are perceived as a threat to non-heritage (L2) learners. This project seeks to glean a nuanced overall picture of the situation in Chinese language programs, so as to enable us to change the rivalry tension between HLs and L2 Learners. The expected outcomes are improved learner engagement and enhanced learning outcomes, with flow-on benefits including higher retention rates in Queensland high school Chinese programs and stronger interest in tertiary level Chinese language programs.

Project members: Wendy Jiang (Leader), Angela Cook, Chunxuan Shen, Anna Miklaylova, and Hui Richards.

Project members

Dr Wendy Jiang

Chinese Major
Senior Lecturer
School of Languages and Cultures

Dr Angela Cook

Chinese Translating & Interpreting Major Convenor
School of Languages and Cultures

Dr Chunxuan Shen

Chinese Major
Teaching Associate & Teaching Associate
School of Languages and Cultures

Dr Anna Mikhaylova

Russian Major Convenor
Lecturer in Russian
School of Languages and Cultures