Translation and Interpreting
Studies in translation and interpreting equip you with the necessary knowledge, tools and foundations for future employment as interpreters and / or translators (postgraduate coursework is an advantage). The language skills acquired in your studies are an advantage for careers in business, diplomacy, law, health, education and academia.
Why Choose
The School of Languages and Cultures is a leader in the teaching of interpreting and translation.
You will have access to one of the top interpreter training facilities in Australia, equipped with simultaneous interpreting booth constructed to United Nations standards. The facility also has video-conferencing capability and a full computer lab.
- Bachelor of Arts
- Chinese Translation and Interpreting Major
- Bachelor of International Studies
- Chinese Translation and Interpreting Major
- Diploma in Languages
- Chinese Translation and Interpreting Major
At the Undergraduate level most languages have a course at the introductory level which provide basic knowledge including practices and key issues in translation and interpreting. These courses can be taken as electives, or may even contribute to your major or extended major.
Major in Chinese Translation and Interpreting
This major is available for students who wish to take their studies a step further. The major provides you with knowledge of the key issues in Chinese / English translation and Mandarin / English interpreting, based on the generic NAATI (National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters) paraprofessional credential. The major introduces you to the professional practice of translation and interpreting, and explores the influence of target cultures and language genre on the translation and interpreting of written and spoken texts between English and Chinese. In so doing, the major provides a solid basis for future postgraduate coursework study.
Pre- Semester 2 2022
Graduate Certificate in Arts in Chinese Translation and Interpreting (GCACTI)
Master of Arts in Chinese Translation and Interpreting (MACTI)
Graduate Certificate in Arts in Japanese Translation (GCAJT)
Graduate Certificate in Arts in Japanese Interpreting (GCAJI)
Graduate Diploma in Arts in Japanese Interpreting and Translation (GDipAJIT)
Master of Arts in Japanese Interpreting and Translation (MAJIT)
From Semester 2 2022
Master of Arts in Translation and Interpreting (MATI)
MATI offers intensive training in translation from English into Chinese and vice versa, as well as interpreting between English and Mandarin.
The program has been endorsed by the National Accreditation Authority for Translator and Interpreters (NAATI) for training Professional Translators/Interpreters.
Topics for translation and interpreting practice include health and medical care, business and trade, law, science and technology, tourism, politics and international relations.
Apart from practical training in translation and interpreting, the Program also provides students with research training to prepare them for the thesis writing component of the program.
These skills may assist students should they seek to undertake further study towards a Research Higher Degree.
What our graduates are doing

International travel with teaching, interpreting and translation
Since graduating Kathy has been living and working in Japan. Kathy first went to Japan as part of the JET program where she was able to work as an interpreter for the Governor.
Since then, she has worked as a Conference Interpreter and a Translator for a number of corporations, including Mazda in areas such as finance, PR and IT. She has been able to travel a lot with her work, going to Spain, Canada, America and Australia, interpreting for Engineers and Journalists. She has also been involved in interpreting at meetings as there are many non-Japanese Executives in Japan who require this. Kathy now teaches interpreting to students at Kobe College, plus does a lot of freelance interpreting.
"The MAJIT program was a rigorous program that equipped me with all the skills and knowledge necessary for work as a professional interpreter. While it was a tough two years, the high quality of instruction from the teaching staff, all of whom are active interpreters and translators, is world-class."
Kathy has a Masters in Japanese Interpreting and Translation from The University of Queensland.

Brisbane-based business owner
Jewel is the owner of a Brisbane-based Chinese language service provider. Her company provides interpreting and translation services to delegations, governments, education institutions and businesses in both China and Australia.
"Studying at UQ laid a solid foundation for a successful career. I always wanted to become a professional interpreter and translator, so I chose to study in UQ to achieve my goal."
A unique part of the program which Jewel enjoyed during her time at UQ was the 100-hour field practice. Now as a business owner, she offers field practice opportunities to MACTI students UQ every semester.
Jewel has a Master of Arts in Chinese Translation and Interpreting (Advanced) from The University of Queensland.