The Queensland Program for Japanese Education
The Queensland Program for Japanese Education (QPJE) was established (initially as the Queensland Program for Japanese Language Education) in March 1997 under an Agreement between The Nippon Foundation and The University of Queensland and Griffith University.
The QPJE currently offers four grant programs: professional development for Japanese language teachers; grants for Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students; tertiary-level Japanese studies grants; and tertiary-level curriculum development grants.
Teacher Professional Development:
Travel grants
- grants for study in Japan for full-time and part-time Japanese language teachers who enrol in an approved Japanese language course;
- grants for the following year are widely advertised in November each year;
- applications close in early March;
- when funding permits, a second grant round is held in the second half of the year;
- 7 grants were awarded in 2014.
Conference grants
- grants for Japanese language teachers to present papers at relevant conferences in Australia (up to $1,000) or Japan (up to $2,000);
- teachers must provide evidence of acceptance of their presentation proposal by conference organisers.
Individual professional development grants
- these grants aim to broaden the scope of professional development opportunities available to Japanese language teachers, especially those who are unable to spend time studying in Japan, by offering grants for teachers to undertake courses in Australia or on-line;
- grants cover cost of on-campus, distance or online study by teachers.
Professional development workshops
- grants to encourage professional bodies to hold professional development workshops for groups of Japanese language teachers around the state, particularly in regional areas.
Grants for Higher Degree Students:
Higher degree research in Japan
- grants provide up to $5,000 per applicant;
- aim to assist Honours and Higher Degree by Research students, primarily in the areas of Japanese studies and Japanese language, with their research, and improve the quality of their research outcomes.
Conference grants
- for Higher Degree students to present papers at conferences in Australia ($1,000) or Japan ($2,000);
- applicants must provide evidence of acceptance of their presentation proposal by conference organisers.
Tertiary Japanese Studies Grants:
Research grants
- grants of up to $5,000 to fund fieldwork and research in Japan by tertiary teachers/researchers in Japanese language and Japanese studies.
Conference grants
- grants for tertiary teachers/researchers in Japanese language and studies to present papers at conferences in Australia ($1,000) or Japan ($2,000).
Curriculum Development Grants:
- grants for language and non-language teachers at tertiary level (i.e. JFL and JS teachers) to develop curriculum materials and conduct curriculum-related research.
Further Details
Further information about any of these grant programs can be obtained from Anne Platt at