Dr Geoff Wilkes
German Major
Honorary Senior Research Fellow
School of Languages and Cultures

Wilkes, Geoff (2020). Ilse Aichinger: Kleist, Moss, Pheasants. Wuerzburg, Germany: Koenigshausen & Neumann.
Wilkes, Geoff (2019). Ilse Aichinger: Improbable journeys. Würzburg, Germany: Konigshausen & Neumann.
Wilkes, Geoff (2018). Ilse Aichinger. Film and Fate: Camera Flashes Illuminating A Life. Wurzburg, Germany: Konigshausen & Neumann.
Wilkes, Geoff (2016). Ilse Aichinger: The Greater Hope. Würzburg, Germany: Konigshausen & Neumann.
Wilkes, Geoff (2013). Irmgard Keun: Gilgi, one of us. Brooklyn, NY, USA: Melville House Publishing.
Wilkes, G. T. (2002). Hans Fallada's Crisis Novels 1931-1947. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang.
Book Chapters
Wilkes, Geoff (2021). Einleitung. Zwischen Abschied und Ankunft/Between Arrival and Departure. Ilse Aichinger/Helga Michie. (pp. 19-22) edited by Geoff Wilkes. Wuerzburg, Germany: Koenigshausen & Neumann.
Wilkes, Geoff (2021). "'Alte, du bist unverschaemt!' misremembering in Ilse Aichinger's 'Der dritte Mann' and "Abschied von Weihnachten'". Zwischen Abschied und Ankunft/Between Departure and Arrival. Ilse Aichinger/Helga Michie. (pp. 157-164) edited by Geoff Wilkes. Wuerzburg, Germany: Koenigshausen & Neumann.
Wilkes, Geoff (2020). ‘The most intimate familiarity and the most extreme existential alienation’: Ilse Aichinger’s memories of Nazi-era Vienna. Places of traumatic memory: a global context. (pp. 157-174) edited by Amy L. Hubbell, Natsuko Akagawa, Sol Rojas-Lizana and Annie Pohlman. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan . doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-52056-4_8
Wilkes, Geoff (2019). "Das Schlachtschiff aus Knoepfen": representation of antifascist exile in Irmgard Keun's Kind aller Laender. Kosmopolitische Gedankenwelten / Cosmopolitan imagings. (pp. 181-192) edited by Alison Lewis, Katie Sutton and Christiane Weller. Würzburg, Germany: Königshausen & Neumann.
Wilkes, Geoff (2019). Forschungsgeschichte. Hans-Fallada-Handbuch. (pp. 557-565) edited by Gustav Frank and Stefan Scherer. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter.
Gallagher, Jessica and Wilkes, Geoff (2014). German encounters: intercultural relationships in contemporary Turkish-German cinema. Intercultural encounters in German studies. (pp. 217-231) edited by Alan Corkhill and Alison Lewis. St Ingbert, Germany: Roehrig Universitaetsverlag.
Wilkes, Geoffrey (2013). Afterword: a writer in the shadow of Nazism. Gilgi, One of Us. (pp. 211-229) edited by era-unavailable. Brooklyn, NY, USA: Melville House Publishing.
Wilkes, Geoff (2012). Assistant Chief Detective Willy Püschel: The only man Otto Quangel converted. Illuminations for Every Man Dies Alone by Hans Fallada. (pp. 103-111) Brooklyn, NY, United States: Melville House Publishing.
Frank, Gustav and Wilkes, Geoff (2012). Beyond the republic? Post-expressionist complexity in the arts. Beyond glitter and doom: the contingency of the Weimar Republic. (pp. 45-66) edited by Jochen Hung, Godela Weiss-Sussex and Geoff Wilkes. Munchen, Germany: Iudicium.
Grosch, Nils and Wilkes, Geoff (2012). Kurt Weill, Mahagonny and the commercialization of Berlin musical theatre in the Weimar Republic. Beyond glitter and doom: the contingency of the Weimar Republic. (pp. 192-208) edited by Jochen Hung, Godela Weiss-Sussex and Geoffrey Wilkes. Munchen, Germany: Iudicium.
Wilkes, Geoff (2012). Writing is the essence of my life: Selected letters of Hans Fallada. Illuminations for Every Man Dies Alone by Hans Fallada. (pp. 126-137) Brooklyn, NY, United States: Melville House Publishing.
Wilkes, Geoff (2012). Beneath the glitter. Berlin, the new woman and mass-market fiction in Vicki Baum's Menschen im hotel. Beyond glitter and doom: The contingency of the Weimar Republic. (pp. 148-161) edited by Jochen Hung, Godela Weiss-Sussex and Geoff Wilkes. Munchen, Germany: Iudicium.
Wilkes, Geoff (2012). Fallada on writing: translator’s introduction. Illuminations for Every Man Dies Alone by Hans Fallada. (pp. 5-7) Brooklyn, NY, United States: Melville House Publishing.
Wilkes, Geoff (2012). Every Man Dies Alone: The deleted chapter, Translator’s introduction. Illuminations for Every Man Dies Alone by Hans Fallada. (pp. 112-113) Brooklyn, NY, United States: Melville House Publishing.
Wilkes, Geoff (2011). Afterword. After midnight. (pp. 151-169) edited by era-unavailable. Brooklyn, New York, United States: Melville House Publishing.
Wilkes, Geoff (2010). Postfazione = Afterword. Ognuno muore solo = Every man dies alone. (pp. 713-740) Palermo, Italy: Sellerio editore.
Wilkes, Geoffrey T. (2009). The representation of Berlin in Hans Fallada's Ein Mann will nach oben. Topography and Literature. Berlin and Modernism. (pp. 167-174) edited by Zachau, Reinhard. Gottingen, Germany: V&R unipress.
Wilkes, Geoff (2009). Afterword. Every man dies alone. (pp. 511-527) edited by Michael Hofmann (Trans.). Brooklyn, NY, United States: Melville House Publishing.
Wilkes, G. T. (2008). "Kunstseidenes Mädchen-was nun?" Literary responses to Berlin in the Great Depression. Berlin's Culturescape in the Twentieth Century. (pp. 93-111) edited by Bredohl, T. and Zimmermann, M.. Regina Canada: Canadian Plains Research Centre, University of Regina.
Journal Articles
Williams, Jenny and Wilkes, Geoffrey (2012). A reading in moral literacy or love story in the shadow of the Holocaust: Difference in translation. Journal of Language and Politics, 11 (1), 77-92. doi: 10.1075/jlp.11.1.04wil
Wilkes, Geoff (2010). "Es ist nicht meine Schuld, ich habe alles getan, alles…Oh, ich Schwein, ich Schwein": Writers' responses to Nazism in Irmgard Keun's Nach Mitternacht. AUMLA - Journal of the Australasian Universities Language & Literature Association, 113 (113), 107-123. doi: 10.1179/000127910804775603
Wilkes, Geoff (2010). In meinem fremden Land. Gefängnistagebuch 1944. AUMLA - Journal of the Australasian Universities Modern Language Association (114), 133-136.
Wilkes, G. T. (2008). "Der widerwärtigste Beruf": Literature and Autobiography in Irmgard Keun's Ferdinand, der Mann mit dem freundlichen Herzen. Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies, 44 (3), 351-365. doi: 10.3138/seminar.44.3.351
Wilkes, Geoff (2007). Review of Pol O'Dochartaigh and Alexander Stephan (Eds.), Refuge and Reality: Feuchtwanger and the European Emigres in California. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2005. Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies, 43 (1), 90-91. doi: 10.1353/smr.2007.0024
Wilkes, G. (2005). On a railroad to nowhere: Irmgard Keun's 'D-Zug Dritter Klasse'. German Studies Review, 28 (3), 563-578.
Wilkes, Geoff (2004). Mehr Leben als eins. Hans Fallada. Biographie. AUMLA: Journal of The Australasian Universities Language And Literature Association (101), 129-132.
Wilkes, G. T. (2003). Innere Emigration und innere Grenzen in "Altes Herz geht auf die Reise". Hans Fallada Jahrbuch, 4, 193-201.
Wilkes, Geoff (2001). A textual problem in 'Macbeth', I.ii. Notes And Queries, 48 (3), 293-295. doi: 10.1093/nq/48.3.293
Wilkes, G. T. (2000). Die beschatteten Bruder des kleinen Mannes Pinneberg: Einige unbeachtete Aspekte von Wer einmal aus dem Blechnapf frisst. Hans Fallada Jahrbuch (3), 181-190.
Wilkes, Geoff (1997). Review of 'Cockpit of ideologies: The Literature and Political History of the Weimar-Republic', by Anthony Grenville.. AUMLA- A Journal of Literary Criticism and Linguistics, 87 (87), 111-112.
Wilkes, G. (1997). (Review) Die bereinigte Moderne. Heinrich Manns 'Untertan' und politische Publizistik in der Kontnuität der deutschen Geschichte zwischen Kaiserreich und Drittem Reich, by Reihard Alter. AUMLA: A Journal of Literary Criticism and Linguistics, 87 (87), 112-113.
Wilkes, G. (1997). The title of Hans Fallada's 'Bauern, Bonzen und Bomben'. Aumla-journal of The Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association, 88 (88), 97-99. doi: 10.1179/aulla.1997.88.1.008
Conference Papers
Wilkes, Geoffrey (2011). "So kann doch kein mensch arbeiten!" Jana Hensel's Achtung Zone. St Lucia, Qld., Australia: Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association. doi: 10.1179/000127911804775396
Wilkes, G. T. (2005). "Wir kehren alle wieder heim zu uns": Die Provinz in Wer einmal aus dem Blechnapf frisst. Kolloquium des Fallada-Forums, Akademie der Kuenste, Berlin, 4 December, 2004. Berlin, Germany: Individuell.
Wilkes, G.T. (2003). Die englische Ubersetzung von Bernhard Schlinks "Der Vorleser". Zeitenwende - Die Germanistik auf dem Weg vom 20. ins 21. Jahrhundert, Vienna, Austria/University of Vienna, 10-16 September, 2000. Bern: Lang.