Symposium: Bridging Pragmatic Competence and Interactional Competence

Fri 20 Jun 2025 9:00am4:00pm


The University of Queensland, St. Lucia Campus
Room TBA

This event is a free event. Registrations will open soon.

The advancements in the conceptualisations of pragmatic competence and interactional competence, as well as the empirical studies conducted under these frameworks in the recent years have significantly deepened our understanding of how L2 learners navigate the dynamic, multifaced, and fluid nature of talk-in-interaction. While these models have evolved with distinct theoretical orientations, there has been a growing recognition that pragmatic competence and interactional competence are significantly intertwined and overlapped. This symposium seeks to create a dialogue that bridges the divide and further highlight the reciprocal and complementary nature of pragmatic competence and interactional competence, and how they can be more effectively integrated into both theoretical models and practical applications for L2 acquisition, teaching, and assessment.

Call for Abstracts

We welcome submissions that cover topics including: the (re-)conceptualisation of pragmatic competence and/or interactional competence, empirical studies on L2 learners’ (development of) pragmatic competence and/or interactional competence, as well as empirical studies on L2 teaching and assessment.


There will be approximately 30 minutes allocated per paper (20 minutes for presentation followed by 10 minutes for Q&A).

Abstract submission

Please submit your abstract (230-300 words) to

Key dates

Abstract submission deadlineNotification of acceptance
31 January 2025Before 14 February 2025

If you are travelling from overseas, please feel free to submit your abstract early for early assessment and acceptance.