We are proud to have the following participants as part of our Forum
Akiko Okamura
I taught English at high schools in Japan for 9 years. After completing Graduate Diploma in Education at Monash University in 2023, I taught Japanese at a public secondary school in Geelong, Victoria for 9 years, which was followed by teaching at private schools for a few years. Then moved to Maryborough in QLD and had contract jobs and supply teaching jobs for about half a year. I have been teaching at Peregian Springs State School since 2019. My interests are traveling, walking and Japanese martial arts.
School: Peregian Springs State School
Contact: axoka0@eq.edu.au
Alexander Walsh
I taught Japanese in secondary schools (Grades 7 - 12) for nearly 10 years, where I have worked as a senior teacher, subject co-ordinator, and shadow head of department. Around the time I left the teaching profession I was working on a bilingual education programme for my school which led me to pursue further studies in the field, completing a Master of Education Studies at UQ where I specialised in Leadership and Curriculum. At every opportunity within the course of study, I focused my efforts on BEPs with the hope of one day entering a PhD with this area of focus.
While I am no longer teaching in schools, I am one of the Japanese network convenors for Languages Teachers Queensland (LTQ), formerly MLTAQ. My interests with language education vary, but currently I am most interested in the development and etymology of languages and the connections they share with other languages. Outside of Japanese I am currently learning Shona - a language spoken in Zimbabwe.
Contact: mltaqconvenorjapanese@gmail.com
Amy Cartwright
I have been teaching Japanese to students in high school for the last 2 years. I would love to gain valuable insights into how other Japanese teachers teach language in their classroom.
School: St Michael’s College
Contact: popmusic@live.jp
Amy MacDonald
School: Loreto College Coorparoo
Contact: macdonalda@loreto.qld.edu.au
Amy Quek
Studied Japanese as a language in my teens and fell in love with its culture. Came to Brisbane from Singapore 15 years ago and recently got my teaching licence and a contract as a Japanese teacher. Would love to continue learning the language and about its culture and share it with my students.
School: Craigslea State School
Contact: Aquek0@eq.edu.au
Andrew Haverd
Contact: ahave6@eq.edu.au
Ann Christensen
I began teaching Japanese in Central Qld in the mid 1990’s. I have extensive teaching experience in mostly Primary schools, in EQ schools, in regional locations, in Brisbane, and in Moreton Bay Shire, just north of Brisbane.
School: Kallangur State School & Strathpine State School
Contact: Achri147@eq.edu.au
Anna Yamaura
Teaching since the late 1990s. CI dabbler, taught Pre Prep-Year 12 and TAFE in state, systemic Catholic and Independent schools both co-ed and single sex schools. I have lived in Japan for around 5 years. I am not Japanese.
School: Sacred Heart Primary School, Sandgate
Contact: ayamaura@bne.catholic.edu.au
Brendan Worrell
School: Good Counsel College
Contact: bworrell@cns.catholic.edu.au
Carmel Hurcom
School: Fernbrooke State School
Contact: carmel.hurcom@outlook.com
Cassie Lam
My teaching experience of over 25 years has included work at TAFE, QUT, High School and the last 20 years at Primary School where I teach Prep - Year 6. I was an exchange student at Kochi University and completed my studies at UQ. I have studied at the Japan Foundation in Urawa and have taken tour groups to and from Japan many times. My love of Japan and the culture is what I aim to convey to my students and teaching English in Japan or online, is also one of my hobbies. To be immersed in the language and culture is the best way to learn.
School: Belmont State School
Contact: clam40@eq.edu.au
Chani Murtagh
School: St Rita's College
Contact: mrt@stritas.qld.edu.au
Charles Mackenzie-Smith
I am a Japanese teacher with over 25 years experience in Primary and Secondary Schools in both Private and State School settings. I am currently teaching from Pre-Prep to Year 6 at a North Brisbane PP-Year 12 school. I studied to a Master’s level at QUT and spent a year on student exchange at Nagasaki Wesleyan University in Japan. My area of interest is the seamless integration of technology in language lessons to enhance student engagement and to improve learning outcomes.
School: St Paul’s School, Bald Hills
Contact: c.mackenzie-smith@stpauls.qld.edu.au
Cheyenne Schilling
A third-year teacher who specialises in English, French, and Japanese. I currently teach Years 9-12 Japanese and act as a team leader for Years 8-10 Japanese.
School: Kirwan State High School
Contact: cheyenneschilling@gmail.com
Cheyne Sandercoe
School: A.B. Paterson College
Contact: csandercoe@abpat.qld.edu.au
Chiara O'Reilly
I began as a LOTE teacher at CapSDE at the start of 2024. Prior to this, I was a primary school classroom teacher. I lived in Japan for 4 years, however returned to Australia in 2017 and until this year have not had much opportunity to practice my language and engage with Japanese culture. I am looking forward to refreshing my skills and perspectives on Japan to further enrich my lessons.
School: Capricornia School of Distance Education, Rockhampton
Contact: cxore1@eq.edu.au
Christie Or
I’m from Hong Kong and brought up in a bilingual environment with Cantonese as my main language and English as my second language. I started learning Japanese since late Year 9, after I started listening to J-POP and got interested in anime and reading manga, by attending Japanese language lessons once a week. The aim was to understand Japanese without the need of subtitles and I am still getting there. I started my tertiary education in Brisbane since 2012 from foundation through Environmental Science Hons degree and completed Masters of Secondary Teaching in 2019. I decided to teach Japanese since I would love to maintain the skill of the language I acquired.
School: Ipswich State High School
Contact: cor0@eq.edu.au
Claudette Andrie
I'm teaching Japanese and Humanities from Year 7 - Year 9. I've been teaching for 7 years. With Japanese, I mainly teach Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9. I live in the Fraser Coast region.
School: St Mary's College, Maryborough
Contact: candrie@bne.catholic.edu.au
Corinne Pipers
This is my second year teaching Japanese. I teach from prep to grade 8 in a cluster that includes 4 different schools.
School: Goomeri State School
Contact: cpipe24@eq.edu.au
Daniel Weldon
School: Pine Rivers State High School
Contact: dwwel1@eq.edu.au
Deanna Adams
I originally studied Japanese at the University of Texas San Antonio as a minor. I attended Nagoya Gaikokugo Daigaku in 2006. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Communication - Public Relations and after being a full-time mother for 13 years, I decided to continue my education at the University of the Sunshine Coast and completed a Master of Teaching - Secondary in 2023. I began my teaching career in 2024 and currently work as a Japanese Junior Secondary teacher.
School: Kawana Waters State College
Contact: dadam169@eq.edu.au
Diana Burgess
With eight years experience in teaching Junior Secondary Japanese at Coorparoo Secondary College and a variety of Japanese contracts prior to that, Diana Burgess has experience in trade and international marketing in Japan. Diana formerly worked for Austrade in Tokyo and for Brown Brothers winery as their Japan representative.
School: Coorparoo Secondary College
Contact: diburgess2020@gmail.com
Emi Obara
Japanese teacher working for EQ for 15 years, always keen to learn something new.
School: Palmwoods State School
Contact: emiobara@hotmail.com
Emily Willis
School: St Ursula's College, Yeppoon
Contact: emilyw@stursulas.qld.edu.au
Emma Busby
I am an experienced teacher (13+ yrs) who has recently made the switch from classroom to Japanese teaching. I studied Japanese through primary and high school into early years of university and have always had a love of the language and culture. I am loving passing on my love of Japanese to my students and building a love of language within my schools.
School: Aspley State School & Collingwood Park State School
Contact: ebusb2@eq.edu.au
Graeme Kenny
School: Cairns School of Distance Education
Contact: graeme.kenny@eq.edu.au
Gretta Folan
I am a secondary teacher of Humanities (History and Geography). In recent years I have learnt Japanese language skills at UQ IML and currently teach years 7 and 8 Japanese. I coordinate annual study tours with our sister school in Hiroshima.
School: Downlands College
Contact: Folang@downlands.qld.edu.au
Helen Tani
I studied Japanese in high school and at UQ as part of my BA, but when I did my dip Ed I specialised in History and English. I did the JET program and lived in Kyoto for 4 years. We took a school tour of 50 last year. Wonderful to share this passion for Japan with students. I am Head of Faculty for languages and Humanities.
School: Canterbury College
Contact: h.tani@canterbury.qld.edu.au
Ian Brazier
Contact: ibrazier@iinet.net.au
Jacinta Becerra
School: Beaudesert State School
Contact: Jmbec0@eq.edu.au
Jacqueline Mikami
As an Educator for over ten years I aim to inspire and empower students in mastering Japanese communication and cultural skills. My journey in education teaching Prep through to Year 12 has equipped me to craft dynamic language programs tailored to diverse learning needs. What drives me is creating a collaborative and supportive learning ecosystem for both students and teachers.
School: St Andrew’s Lutheran College
Contact: Jmikami@salc.qld.edu.au
Jaime Nakahara
I have previously worked as a translator, specialising in biomedical sciences. In 2020, I returned to Australia from Japan with my family and began teaching in Queensland. I currently teach both junior and senior Japanese at Craigsea State High School, including a composite senior (10/11) class. I am interested in how we can leverage ICT and the kouhai/senpai relationship to get the most out of composite classes. I'm also interested in the latest research in comprehensible input and research-based language pedagogy.
School: Craigslea State High School
Contact: jxnak2@eq.edu.au
Jasmin Singlewood
School: Kelvin Grove State College
Contact: jsing264@eq.edu.au
Jay Killoran
School: St Augustine's College
Contact: jkilloran@cns.catholic.edu.au
Jennifer Fukushima
After graduating from university I spent 18 years living and teaching in Japan. From kindergarten to university, I have extensive experience teaching English to Japanese speakers. I have been back in Australia for just over 12 years and recommenced my teaching journey here in Queensland Secondary Schools. I spent 6 years as the Head of Japanese at a Brisbane private school and I am now residing in Cairns, still teaching Japanese in Years 10,11,12 while taking on a pastoral care role. I have worked hard to continue and expand the Japanese language programs in the schools I have worked in. I take students to Japan annually and hope some of my experience can benefit up and coming Japanese teachers. I have been heavily involved with the QCAA over the past 12 years and am very comfortable with the new syllabus and the changes that will commence in 2025.
School: Trinity Anglican School
Contact: jfukushima@tas.qld.edu.au
Jenny Johansen
School: Brisbane School of Distance Education
Contact: jjoha40@eq.edu.au
Jess Mitmannsgruber
School: All Hallows' School
Contact: jess.mitmannsgruber@ahs.qld.edu.au
Jessica Peterson
I have been teaching for just over 15 years but this is my first year teaching Japanese. Prior I have taught all grades as a classroom teacher. I studied Japanese in Primary, High school and university. I completed a minor in Japanese in my Arts degree but didn't think it would ever lead to teaching the language. I am constantly learning and would love any ideas and suggestions to improve my teaching.
School: Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School
Contact: jadaniels@bne.catholic.edu.au
Jessica Riley
School: Redcliffe State High School
Contact: jrile120@eq.edu.au
Jillian Smith
I spent 1 year in Japan as an exchange student. Went on to graduate from CQU with a Bachelor of Education through immersion - LACITEP. Spent 3 years as a Primary School Japanese Teacher in Biloela before moving to England. I spent 9 years in England being a Generalist Classroom Teacher and then moved back to Australia. I went back into teaching Japanese for 8 years on a circuit of 3 schools. My family and I moved back to England for 2 years - back to being a Generalist Teacher. When I returned to Australia in 2018, I did a classroom contract in a Primary School and did not like it, so was offered High School. I love teaching the older students and preferred the way behaviours are dealt with, so stayed. Currently teaching years 7, 8 and 10 Japanese. I did have seniors for 3 years, but due to small classes and a shortage of teachers, they stopped offering it as an option. Seniors were a lot of work, but so worth it!
School: Mackay North State High School
Contact: jsmit1405@eq.edu.au
Jo Ridgers
School: All Saints Anglican School
Contact: jridgers@asas.qld.edu.au
Joy Balfour
Joy is the Japanese Coordinator at Cavendish Road SHS, since 2015. She has taught at Brisbane SHS (2004-2014) and in Sydney and rural NSW. Joy lived in Hanno City, Saitama, as JET Programme participant for three years. She taught at Komaba SHS, Tokyo on a NSW- Tokyo Government Exchange Teacher Scholarship. She has studied at the Japan Foundation in Urawa and Osaka and escorted study tours to Japan. Joy is interested in language syllabus design and the training of Languages teachers.
School: Cavendish Road State High School
Contact: jbalf7@eq.edu.au
Julia Carroll
I have been a learner of Japanese language and culture for over 20 years as well as a classroom-based educator for around 5 years (Sydney-based). I have recently moved to the Sunshine Coast and would be delighted to continue my Japanese language journey and share my experience in QLD classrooms.
School: TBC
Contact: julia@93made.com
Julia von Berky
I am a 2023 UQ Graduate (Secondary Education - Japanese and History) currently teaching Year 7 & 8 Japanese at Craigslea State High School. I have a keen interest in kanji and calligraphy. I am interested in joining a community of like-minded people and expanding my skills with professional development with the Queensland Japanese School Teacher Enhancement Forum Website.
School: Craigslea State High School
Contact: jcvon0@eq.edu.au
Kara Olver
School: Proserpine State High School
Contact: karaolver@yahoo.com
Karen Druve
School: Petrie Terrace State School
Contact: karendruve@gmail.com
Karen Nishimura
Contact: knish1@icloud.com
Karen Palfreyman
School: Pacific Pines State High School
Contact: kpalf3@eq.edu.au
Karla Waterman
In 2020 I moved to Gunma to teach English to primary school and kindergarten students at a cram school. The following year I made the shift to Okayama prefecture to intern at a permaculture center. Since coming back to Australia I have completed my master's in teaching and taken up a position in Dalby. I am particularly interested in teaching sustainability through Japanese traditions and beliefs such as furoshiki, the concept of 'mottainai', satoyama, living with the seasons and Buddhism.
School: Dalby State High School
Contact: krwaterman99@gmail.com
Karolyn McKeon
I have been teaching Prep to Year 6 students at Cannonvale for the last 7 years. We currently have 31 classes of 30 minutes each week. I also run a lunchtime origami club. I have previously worked in various English teaching roles in Japan and as a personal assistant to executives of a Japanese company in Australia. I am interested in ways to engage young learners and promote the benefits of learning languages.
School: Cannonvale State School
Contact: 72snowman@gmail.com
Karyn Matthew
I am a passionate Languages teacher (Japanese, German, Chinese) since 1993 in the State and independent sectors. I am now semi-retired, undertaking short contracts and relief.
School: Ormiston College
Contact: karynmatthew@hotmail.com
Kat Sheppard
School: Pacific Pines State High School
Contact: kise4@eq.edu.au
I studied Japanese all through high school. Decided to do secondary education majoring in French and Japanese at university. Taught grades 7-12 at high school for a few years. Lived in Gifu prefecture for a year. Now teach Japanese at primary school 5-6 and online. Keen to practice more speaking, teaching primary school does not keep my language skills very high. Interested in Japan, art and languages.
School: Kingaroy State School
Contact: Kirel34@eq.edu.au
Kathryn Tominaga
I have been studying Japanese for over 40 years and teaching Japanese for almost 20 years. Although secondary trained, I have spent the vast majority of my teaching career in the primary sector, working across three primary schools. I have a keen interest in second language acquisition research and am always looking to improve my practice to better serve the needs of my students. In recent years I have also started teaching an adult class and enjoy the challenge of adapting my teaching to suit a different context.
School: St Mary MacKillop Primary School
Contact: ktominaga@bne.catholic.edu.au
Katrina Dwan
Konnichi wa! I am a Japanese Primary School Teacher on the Sunshine coast and have been teaching in schools across Queensland over the past 20 years. Originally, I taught Years 5 & 6 and over the last 4 years at Mountain Creek State School, along with my teaching partner, we have introduced Japanese from Prep through to Year 6. Through this journey, TRPS and CI have sparked my interest, and I am always looking for ways to further develop my classroom language and develop engaging activities, so that students are provided with the opportunity to be surrounded by and feel motivated to be engaged with Japanese language and culture.
I look forward to working with other language teachers across Queensland.
School: Mountain Creek State School and Woombye State School
Contact: kdwan1@eq.edu.au
Kimberley Yasuda
Hi there! I’ve been working at Narangba Valley State High for six years. I’ve taught all year levels and even taught at the primary school next door. Prior to that, I taught English in Japan for 2 years. I have a bachelor of Education and masters of Applied Linguistics. I’m currently studying towards N1 in the JLPT.
School: Narangba Valley State High School
Contact: kfwhi0@eq.edu.au
Kimberly Fukushige
Kimberly is a Japanese Teacher at Cavendish Road State High School, where she has worked from 2022. Previous to this, she was Dean of Languages & Japanese Co-ordinator at Redlands College from 2004-2021. She has had experience in teaching Japanese from Grades 6-12 as well as implementing the QCAA curriculum for Japanese. In that time, she has led multiple study tours to Japan. She lived and worked in Tokyo from 1996-2003 as an ESL teacher at K.International School, Tokyo. She is interested in engaging methods to retain students until senior in languages, in addition to inspiring the next generation to continue with their Japanese studies.
School: Cavendish Road State High School
Contact: joshmattalex@gmail.com
Krisztina Mesch
I'm the Curriculum Leader for Japanese and teach across the primary and secondary schools. My areas of expertise include self-regulated learning in second language acquisition and creating engaging resources and activities for learners. I'm interested in developing students' love of Japan and all it has to offer. More broadly, I’m halfway through my Master of Educational Studies at UQ with a field of study in the Science of Learning, so I’m interested in finding ways to translate and mobilise research into practice to support learning. I look forward to learning and working with everyone.
School: St Aidan's Anglican Girls' School
Contact: k.mesch@staidans.qld.edu.au
Kyoko Rodgers
After teaching in NSW for over 20 years, I moved to Brisbane in 2022. Most of my teaching took place in the private sector in country NSW and Sydney. Within those schools, I built popular Japanese language programmes and supported students who achieved outstanding results in the HSC. I was engaged in the HSC exam production, marking, and assessing process each year. I also designed, coordinated, and led multiple school trips to Japan with many of my students sharing that it was the most cherished experience of their high school life. I enjoy and treasure the time with my students in the classroom.
School: Clairvaux MacKillop College
Contact: kyokomiura00@gmail.com
Laura Booth
Laura has a Bachelor of Education and Arts from the University of Queensland and is an early career English and Japanese teacher. While at university, she studied an Intensive Japanese Program at Showa Women’s University for a 6-month exchange and worked as a Japanese speaking guide in Brisbane. She has been to Japan 7 times studying, volunteering teaching and travelling. She is a passionate advocate for the teaching pedagogies of TPRS and CLIL. Laura has developed a strong relationship with her school’s sister school in Hachinohe and is hoping to offer exchange opportunities in the future.
School: St Ursula’s College Toowoomba
Contact: LBB@st-ursula.qld.edu.au
Leighton Gilmour
School: Mary MacKillop College
Contact: gilmoul@mmc.qld.edu.au
Lilian Chan
Hi, my name is Lilian Chan. I have been teaching for over 25 years in state schools. I am a Chinese and Japanese teacher. For the past 7 years, I have been teaching Chinese exclusively, but I am considering teaching the Japanese language next year. I love Japanese food and traveling in Japan.
School: Upper Mt Gravatt State School
Contact: Lchan10@eq.edu.au
Linden Baulch
Primary school Japanese teacher. I have a TESOL qualification and worked as an ESL tutor for both adults and children. I have been learning Japanese since 2007 and have an interest in Japanese pop culture and games.
School: Blackwater State School
Contact: lsbau0@eq.edu.au
Lisa Furuya
School: Upper Coomera State College
Contact: lfuru1@eq.edu.au
Lisa Karunaratne
I have been teaching Japanese in Queensland primary schools throughout the Redlands and South East Queensland state schools for 4 years. I love Japan and sharing its beautiful culture with the students I teach.
School: Faith Christian School of Distance Education
Contact: lisataylor_99@hotmail.com
Lisa Thompson
I have been teaching Japanese in Queensland Government Schools for the past 33 years. I have taught Primary School and at Distance Education but mostly in High School. I have been the Head of Department for Languages for the past 26 years and I now look after French, German, Mandarin, Spanish and Japanese. I am also in charge of international students. We have 1450 students studying a Language at Corinda. I currently teach Years 10 and 12. I have been to Japan 23 times, most recently in January to study for 4 weeks. I love travelling, jet skiing, walking near any water and reading. My favourite Japanese food is Tempura and obviously I love Japan and anything Japanese.
School: Corinda State High School
Contact: lthom23@eq.edu.au
Lynette Rumsey
School: James Nash State High School
Contact: lrums1@eq.edu.au
Mami Yoshino
Mami Yoshino holds the roles of Experience Senior Teacher, Japanese Coordinator and Shadow Head of Languages Department at Foxwell State Secondary College. She is the Co-Convenor of the Language Teachers of Queensland and brings a wealth of experience and dedication to her work. Mami has held various roles with the QCAA and was nominated for the 2023 Griffith University Excellence in Secondary Teaching Award. With a deep passion for pedagogy and student engagement, Mami is committed to empowering fellow educators to take care of themselves, so that they can enjoy a sustainable career while ensuring success for every student.
School: Foxwell State Secondary College
Contact: myosh15@eq.edu.au
Mari Iinuma
Hi, I am Mari, a Japanese native speaker. I have taught Japanese both Primary and Secondary students for a long time, but this is my first year teaching Senior Japanese (Year 11). I would like to connect with other teachers who teach Senior Japanese.
School: Earnshaw State College
Contact: miinu1@eq.edu.au
Mari Uithol
School: Yeronga State High School
Contact: mxuit0@eq.edu.au
Mark Andersen
School: Rivermount College
Contact: m.andersen@rivermount.qld.edu.au
Masako Onoda Ware
I have been teaching students ranging from prep to year 10 Japanese since I graduated from James Cook University in 1999. I have been living in Cairns since 1999, but my family is moving to GC early January 2024. It will be new adventure for me living in a big city.
School: St Francis Xaviers School and Peace Lutheran College, Ashmore State School
Contact: masakoware@gmail.com
Matthew Strain
I have been teaching Japanese in Queensland schools for over 10 years, both in EQ and BCE. I am interested in developing approaches to language teaching in the early high school years.
School: Chisholm Catholic College
Contact: mstrain@bne.catholic.edu.au
Meg Jones
I am a Primary school teacher of Japanese. I have experience teaching P-10. I am interested in Curriculum.
School: Ascot State School
Contact: mmjon0@eq.edu.au
Megan Corfield
Megan Corfield is currently working part-time in a Queensland State Primary School running the Japanese program across Years 5 and 6. Megan is a Sessional Academic for Curtin University, Western Australia and Unit Coordinator for Japanese Society and Culture. Previous appointments include Secondary School Japanese and Science teaching in Australia, England and ESL in Japan.
Megan worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the Japanese Consulate in Perth for a period of 4 years. Along with working within both Australian and Japanese government systems, she has worked in the private sector running the Sydney division of a Team Building and Corporate Development company. Megan has presented at MLTAQ – Skype for Business and facilitates workshops for AIM Australia/NZ (Accelerated Integrated Method). Megan received Highly Accomplished Teacher status in 2022 via AITSL National Accreditation and she is excited about developing creative uses for AI with colleagues within the educational setting particularly language learning.
School: Tallebudgera State School
Contact: mcorf5@eq.edu.au
Megan Strandquist
School: Windaroo Valley State High School
Contact: mtrus14@eq.edu.au
Melissa Jarvis
Although not as fluent as I used to be, I still enjoy the challenges of language learning and am always looking for opportunities for further study. My passion is teaching through differentiation. Although difficult, it ensures that all in my classes are given a chance for success; learning in the way that best suits them. I’ve taught in rural/regional areas and have taught languages from prep-Y12.
School: Chancellor State College
Contact: mjarv24@eq.edu.au
Michael Boyce
I am an Art Teacher who is influenced by Japanese aesthetics. I infuse Japanese language in my art class, and wanted to produce more authentic learning experiences for my students. I have recently been given Y7 Japanese class, and Y8 Cultural Studies.
School: Gladstone State High School
Contact: mcboy1@eq.edu.au
Michelle Peters
I have been teaching for over 20 years, and have previously taught Japanese, but not for over 10 years. I studied Japanese for 7 years while at school (yr6-12) and have an interest in the language. I am taking on teaching year 7 Japanese at my school next year and am looking for forums and supports to improve my skills and expand the subject at the school.
School: Lockyer District State High School
Contact: mpete35@eq.edu.au
Michelle Young
I have been teaching Japanese for 8 years in Cairns. I teach Years 7-12. Before teaching, I worked as an ALT/CIR in Oyama, Tochigi Prefecture for 2 years. I try to involve myself with QCAA processes so that I can support my students to the best of my ability.
School: Trinity Bay State High School
Contact: mfyou0@eq.edu.au
Midori Ushiro
School: Hillbrook Anglican School
Contact: midoriu@hillbrook.qld.edu.au
Natalie McConnell
I have been teaching for 9 years (4 in Mackay, 4 in Brisbane and 1 in Toowoomba) in both state and private schools. I'm interesting in curriculum design and learning engaging methods of teaching. I'm passionate about keeping students interested in Japanese with language that is useful for them in the real world.
School: Fairholme College
Nathan Williams
School: Bundaberg North State High School
Contact: npwil0@eq.edu.au
Nicola Zwart
My connection with Japan spans 27 years and over this time I have fostered deep personal relationships with Japan and Japanese friends. Having worked in Marketing for many years, I became a Maths/Science teacher in 2016. Upon completing Language Upskilling for Teachers, I realised a dream of becoming a teacher of Japanese in 2022. With AI making the ‘utilitarian’ aspect of language learning virtually redundant, engaging students with language learning as a human experience through human connections is what I strive for in my classroom.
School: Kelvin Grove State College
Contact: nxzwa2@eq.edu.au
Norihiro Yamada
I have been teaching Japanese (secondary) since 2000. I also teach Humanities (Civics and Citizenship, History, Geography, Business and Economics). I am interested in Taiko drumming. I moved from New Zealand to Australia in 2018.
School: St Margaret Mary's College
Contact: nyamada1@smmc.catholic.edu.au
Odette Bronwyn Tuitama-Roberts
I have been a teacher for over 20 years, spanning a few countries, different levels and types of education. I originally started teaching Japanese to international students on various overseas study programs, when I lived in Japan. This ignited my interest in teaching Japanese as another language. I have also had some amazing experiences in the fields of interpreting/translating and have been able to also take this experience into the language classroom, teaching both beginners and advanced language professionals.
School: Capricornia School of Distance Education
Contact: obrob0@eq.edu.au
Peter McCosker
Peter has been a teacher since 2017 and has taught Japanese in Qld schools to Prep, Years 6-12 as well as an extension course for students aiming for the JLPT (N1-5). As a learner of Japanese since he was a Year 6 student on the Gold Coast, he continued learning Japanese as a Rotary Exchange student, JET programme participant and worked for a Japanese marketing company in Japan and South East Asia. He has recently completed a research Masters thesis titled, “Exploring the gaps between the intended and enacted syllabus: A study of Japanese as a foreign language in Queensland”.
School: St Hilda’s School, Gold Coast
Contact: pmccosker@sthildas.qld.edu.au
Pippa Tomane
I have been teaching Japanese at Kenmore State High School since 2013. I teach senior and junior classes. Before this I taught at Mansfield SHS for one year, and even further in the past I taught Japanese at the National University of Samoa and Griffith University (Gold Coast). I haven’t always been a teacher. I have worked overseas for Japanese organisations as an interpreter and office worker. I have a Master of Arts (Applied Linguistics) and I also teach junior maths. I enjoy teaching and strive to make my lessons engaging.
School: Kenmore State High School
Contact: pxtom0@eq.edu.au
Rachel Martin
Returned to teaching Japanese in 2022 after a 15 year stint in guidance counselling, Feeling very much like an early career teacher all over again. Setting up the first language program the school has had after they stopped teaching French in early 2000s. Teaching from Prep to year 7 and doing my best to learn and put into practice Comprehensible Input approaches to learning and teaching.
School: Emmaus College, Jimboomba
Contact: Rmm010881@gmail.com
Rachael Oike
BI am a passionate teacher of Japanese who has found this as my second career. I have almost 10 years of teaching experience but always searching to widen my pedagogical and cultural understanding, not to mention navigating the Senior years program for the first time at my new school.
School: Holy Spirit College
Contact: roike@bne.catholic.edu.au
Rachele Belz
I have 17 years’ experience teaching secondary students in the Catholic sector. Holding a range of QCAA assessor and subject matter expert roles, I believe it is essential for teachers to be involved in curriculum design and/or marking to gain the insight needed to best help your own students succeed. I have represented Queensland in the writing of v9 Languages, and have a special interest in building capacity of new teachers - to the school, to the subject or to the profession.
School: The Cathedral College, Rockhampton
Contact: Rachele.Belz@tccr.com.au
Rebecca Emery
School: Victory College, Gympie
Contact: r.emery@victorycollege.com
Rebecca Murray
Rebecca Murray currently teaches Japanese and is a pedagogy coach at Kenmore State High School. She lived and worked in Japan for five years where she taught English and studied Japanese. Upon returning to Brisbane, she continued to teach English to international adults before finally making the switch to high school teaching. She was also the international student coordinator for a number of years, has taken student groups to Japan, and is an ensemble member of Tenteke Taiko.
School: Kenmore State High School
Contact: rmurr17@eq.edu.au
Renae Davis
School: Brisbane Girls Grammar School
Contact: Rdavis@bggs.qld.edu.au
Renae Duffy
I have been teaching Japanese in a variety of settings including Primary, Secondary. Currently teaching lower secondary.
School: Flagstone State Community College
Contact: rduff33@eq.edu.au
Renae Mason
I have 15 years experience as a Japanese school teacher. I spent the first 13 years teaching Prep to Year 6. The last two years has been a transition to private education and teaching Year 6 to Year 9. My strengths include classroom management and student engagement. I love teaching the language and culture of Japan to my students. I am a very visual and tactile teacher and have a completely device free classroom.
School: All Saints Anglican School
Contact: rmason@asas.qld.edu.au
Rita Liu
School: Kenmore State High School
Contact: rliu37@eq.edu.au
Sachiko Hinze
New Japanese teacher
Kimono stylist outside of school
School: St Peters Lutheran College Indooroopilly
Contact: s.hinze@stpeters.qld.edu.au
Sarah Fenton-Wolski
With a background in ESL and a degree in Aisan Studies, I started out in the teaching world via the Japan Exchange Teaching Programme. I have since been teaching Japanese for almost 15 years in the Australian school system and have tried to pass on my enthusiasm for the language to my students (and my own children who attend a bilingual Japanese school). I would welcome any opportunity to enhance my language skills for the classroom, as well as the chance to collaborate with fellow Japanese teachers.
School: Anglican Church Grammar School
Contact: sarah.fenton-wolski@churchie.com.au
Sarah Rice
Primary school Japanese teacher for 5 years, with nil prior teaching experience. Grad Dip in Teaching but no specific Japanese/language training. Lived in Japan 2003-2004, and studied Japanese at school until Yr12. Passion for Japanese language and culture, and expanding horizons of young learners.
School: Proserpine State School
Contact: smhen0@eq.edu.au
Sarah Themsen
School: Bundaberg State High School
Contact: sthem1@eq.edu.au
Satomi Blake
Satomi Blake is a Japanese teacher with a diverse background in teaching Japanese in the UK and Australia. Satomi is also an IML Japanese tutor, she brings a wealth of experience and expertise to her teaching practice. Outside of work, Satomi enjoys swimming, music, and playing the piano. Her passion for language learning and cultural exchange drives her commitment to helping students achieve their language goals. With a vibrant personality and a dedication to excellence, Satomi continually seeks to inspire and empower learners on their journey to mastering the Japanese language.
Contact: satomi-blake@hotmail.co.jp
Shan-Ju Lin
I am a full time Japanese Teacher at Redbank Plains State High School. I've been teaching for 22 years. I've done BA in Language & Applied Linguistics from Griffith University and Master of Teaching from QUT. I am interested in languages learning and developing visual based resources to help the students to learn another language.
School: Redbank Plains State High School
Contact: slin65@eq.edu.au
Shannon Griffin
School: Burnside State High School
Contact: sgrif149@eq.edu.au
Simone Lydiate
School: Aquinas College
Contact: simonel@aquinas.qld.edu.au
Sohee Chu
School: Marist College Ashgrove
Contact: chus@marash.qld.edu.au
Stephen Clark
I am an experienced English/Humanities/ ICT teacher who has begun teaching Year 7 and 8 Japanese this year while the "regular" teacher was on LSL. I have just returned from helping take our school trip to Japan and enjoyed meeting Japanese High School staff and students. I am continually looking forward to improving my skills with self-study, professional development and trips to Japan. Thanks.
School: Wynnum State High School
Contact: sclar25@eq.edu.au
Sue Buck
I have been teaching Japanese in Queensland state schools for 32 years, from Year 4 through to Year 12. Currently, I have classes from Year 7 to Year 12. I'm interested in both the new senior and junior curriculum, particularly aligning my present units and assessment.
School: Aldridge State High School
Contact: sbuck48@eq.edu.au
Susan Slater
Currently teaching Japanese Years 7-12
School: Riverside Christian College
Contact: susan.slater@riverside.qld.edu.au
Tammy Di Pietra
I fell in love with Japan during my high school years, and following a school study program in 1996 decided to pair my love for Japanese with my dream of being a teacher. Since this time I have worked across a number of sectors in a variety of roles.
I am currently the Head of Japanese Learning Area at Sunshine Coast Grammar School. I love creating an environment that excites students to indulge in Japanese language and culture. I am passionate about ensuring a balance between the demands of syllabus documents and ensuring time for fun. I enjoy networking with other passionate teachers. I volunteer as the Secretary for the LTQ Sunshine Coast Branch. I also enjoy the opportunity to work with the QCAA for confirmation, endorsement and external marking.
In 2024 I have been purposefully looking for ways to prioritise and create opportunities for my own use of Japanese outside of the classroom, hence my membership here. I am looking forward to meeting more passionate Japanese teachers within this learning community.
School: Sunshine Coast Grammar School
Contact: tdipietra@scgs.qld.edu.au
Tasha Damon
Contact: damont@atc.qld.edu.au
Tiffany Phipps (Watson)
I have been teaching Japanese for 12 years. In 2024, I will be teaching years 10, 11 and two junior high school classes. I studied Japanese at Brisbane State High School, and double-majored in Japanese and Chinese at the University of Queensland, St Lucia. I also work as a Lead Endorser, Confirmer and External Marker of Japanese for the QCAA. I lived in Japan in 92/93 on a working holiday visa for one year. I love learning Kanji, drawing anime/manga and eating Japanese cuisine.
School: Burpengary State Secondary College
Contact: tlwat4@eq.edu.au
Valerie Tan
My ethnicity is Malaysian-Taiwanese-Japanese. I was born in Malaysia and grew up in Brisbane, Australia. I was enrolled at Macgregor State High School and began to learn Japanese in Grade 9. I was inspired by my high school Japanese teacher and decided to pursue teaching. I now teach languages in secondary education school. My specialised areas are Japanese and Mandarin Chinese. My interests include language learning, crafting, and travelling.
School: Pine Rivers State High School
Contact: vtan1@eq.edu.au
Vivian Tram-Nguyen
School: Springfield Central State High School
Contact: vtram0@eq.edu.au
Xirui Wang
Xirui Wang is a Japanese language teacher with experience in mainstream and distance education schools from Year 1 to Year 12. Besides language teaching, he also has a deep interest in the use of digital technologies in teaching and learning.
School: Education Queensland
Contact: xirui.wang@outlook.com.au
Yoko Mays
I’ve been a qualified Japanese teacher in Australia since 2005, having worked for diverse schools and institutes for toddlers, primary, high school and adult students.
School: Iona College
Contact: y.mays@uq.edu.au
Yuki Funamoto
School: Cairns School of Distance Education
Contact: yfuna1@eq.edu.au
Yuko Toriumi
13 year teaching experience as a high school teacher in Japan and 9 year experience teaching Japanese in Australia. Currently teaching primary students from Year 2-6. I am interested in TPRS, CI methods.
School: Brisbane Catholic Education
Contact: ytoriumi@bne.catholic.edu.au
Yulia MacDermott Yamaura
Born and grew up in Brisbane. Studied French at school. Went to Japan on a working holiday at 19. Returned to Brisbane. Studied Japanese and Italian at Griffith. Returned to Japan. Worked as an ALT for one year, CIR for two years and language specialist at Tokyo Tochou for two years. Returned to Brisbane. Worked as a teacher at GEOS and TAFE. Studied Grad Dip Ed and GDAJIT. Worked as a teacher for EQI, EQ and Catholic schools. Most recent contract Japanese teacher at BSHS. Have worked as a community interpreter for TIS National and QITS. Volunteer at Brisbane Gakuen.
School: Brisbane State High School
Contact: MacDermY@eq.edu.au