Dr Jeanne Rolin-Ianziti
Honorary Senior Fellow
School of Languages and Cultures
Journal Articles
Rolin-Ianziti, Jeanne Claire and Ord, Carl (2019). Using the concept of aspect to mediate the choice of past tense in L2 French: case study of an advanced student at the tertiary level. Canadian Modern Language Review, 75 (3), 236-253. doi: 10.3138/cmlr.2018-0183
Rolin-Ianziti, Jeanne Claire and Ord, Carl (2016). Variations on the IRE pattern in a French beginner task-based classroom. Language Learning Journal, 46 (4), 1-16. doi: 10.1080/09571736.2015.1124445
Rolin-Ianziti, Jeanne (2010). Teachers' task implementation: A longitudinal case study. Flinders University Languages Group Online Review, 4 (2), 56-72.
Rolin-Ianziti, Jeanne and Hanna, Barbara E. (2010). Introduction: Turn of the century innovations in language teaching. Flinders University Languages Group Online Review, 4 (2), 1-18.
Rolin-Ianziti, Jeanne (2010). The organization of delayed second language correction. Language Teaching Research, 14 (2), 183-206. doi: 10.1177/1362168809353874
Rolin-Ianziti, Jeanne and Varshney, Rachel (2008). Students' views regarding the use of the first language: An exploratory study in a tertiary context maximizing target language use. The Canadian Modern Language Review, 65 (2), 249-273. doi: 10.3138/cmlr.65.2.249
Varshney, Rachel and Rolin-Ianziti, Jeanne (2006). Student perceptions of L1 use in the foreign language classroom: Help or hindrance. AUMLA: Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association, 105 (105), 55-83. doi: 10.1179/000127906805260338
Rolin-Ianziti, Jeanne (2004). Adapter un manuel de langue a une situation pedagogique particuliere: Le cas de Reflets 1. Aumla: Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association, 102, 13-38.
Rolin-Ianziti, Jeanne and Brownlie, Siobhan (2002). Teacher Use of Learners' Native Language in the Foreign Language Classroom. Canadian Modern Language Review-revue Canadienne Des Langues Vivantes, 58 (3), 402-426. doi: 10.3138/cmlr.58.3.402
Rolin-Ianziti, J. C. (2001). Langue maternelle: Le retour. Le Francais dans le Monde (315), 32-33.
Rolin-Ianziti, J. C. (2001). L'alternance entre l'article indefini et l'article defini. Le Francais dans le Monde (313), 31-32.
Battestini, J. and Rolin-Ianziti, J. C. (2000). Nonverbal features of speech and foreign language comprehension: A review of major issues. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 23 (1), 15-30. doi: 10.1075/aral.23.1.02bat
Conference Papers
Rolin-Ianziti, J. C. (2006). Teacher corrective practices in the foreign language classroom: The effect of timing. Social Change in the 21st Century, Queensland University of Technology, Carseldine Campus, 27 October, 2006. Brisbane: Centre for Social Change Research, Qld Univ of Technology.
Rolin-ianziti, J. C. (2005). Introducing changes in the tertiary language classroom: Report on an action research project. Social Change in the 21st Century, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, 28 October, 2005. Brisbane: Centre for Social Change Research, QUT.
Rolin-Lanziti, Jeanne (2003). Justifying selected uses of the learners first language in the foreign language classroom within communicative language teaching. Setting the Agenda: Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies in Higher Education, Manchester, United Kingdom, 24-26 June 2002. London, United Kingdom: CILT, The National Centre for Languages.
Rolin-Ianziti, J. C. (2001). Introducing metalinguistic uses of L1 in the foreign language classroom: An action research perspective. National Congress of the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia, Canberra/University of Canberra, July 2001. Canberra: Applied Linguistics Association of Australia.