Dr Tiare Gonzalez vidal
Applied Linguistics Discipline
Casual Academic
School of Languages and Cultures
Journal Articles
Gonzalez-Vidal, Tiare (2024). Exploring the language-culture-technology nexus through the lens of EFL Teachers in Chile. EuroCALL Review, 31 (1), 24-42. doi: 10.4995/eurocall.2024.20358
Gonzalez-Vidal, Tiare (2024). Navigating linguacultures through fanfiction: unveiling opportunities and challenges in the Chilean EFL school context. Computer Assisted Language Learning. doi: 10.1080/09588221.2024.2366466
Gonzalez-Vidal, Tiare and Moore, Paul (2024). Technology-enhanced language and culture teaching in Chile: the perceptions and practices of in-service EFL teachers. Journal for Multicultural Education, 18 (1/2), 25-37. doi: 10.1108/JME-08-2023-0073
Conference Paper
Gonzalez-Vidal, Tiare (2023). Merging Language, Culture and technology in an EFL context: Preliminary Findings. L2 Digital Literacies Symposium (L2DL) Symposium, Online, 19-24 October 2020. The University of Arizona.
Tiare Gonzalez-Vidal (2023). Merging Language, Culture and technology in the Chilean EFL context. PhD Thesis, School of Languages and Cultures, University of Queensland, Australia.
Gonzalez-Vidal, Tiare (2017). The ‘do it, but don’t do it’ paradox: A study on EFL teachers’ perceptions of technology use for enhancing students’ (critical) intercultural awareness in secondary education in Chile. Master's Thesis, School of Languages and Cultures, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/39afb72