Honorary Research Associate Professor Helen Creese

Researcher biography
Associate Professor Helen Creese's research interests include Balinese textual and literary traditions, Balinese history and historiography and gender. Her research spans historical and contemporary periods. It draws extensively on indigenous textual traditions written in Indonesian, Balinese, Old Javanese as well as colonial sources in Dutch and French. Her publications include translations of both classical and modern texts.
She is the author of Bali in the Early Nineteenth Century: The Ethnographic Accounts of Pierre Dubois (2016); Women of the Kakawin World: Marriage and Sexuality in the Indic Courts of Java and Bali (2004); Guide and Index to the Hooykaas-Ketut Sangka Balinese Manuscript Collection in the Australian National University Library (2004); and Parthayana: The Journeying of Partha. An Eighteenth-Century Balinese Kakawin (1998). She has co-edited 'The Stigmatisation of Widows and Divorcees (janda) in Indonesian Society,' Special Issue of Indonesia and the Malay World (with Lyn Parker, 2016); From Langka Eastwards: The Ramayana in the Literature and Visual Arts of Indonesia (with Andrea Acri and Arlo Griffiths, 2011); 'Gender, Text, Performance and Agency in Asian Cultural Contexts,' Special Issue of Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific (with Rosie Roberts, 2008); Seabad Puputan Bali: Perspektif Belanda dan Bali (with Henk Schulte Nordholt and Darma Putra 2006); and 'Old Javanese Texts and Culture,' Special Issue of Bijdragen tot de Taal , Land- en Volkenkunde (with Willem Van der Molen, 2001).
Her current research projects include an investigation into textual traditions, identity and cultural production in contemporary Bali, a literary history of Bali, and a number of projects on precolonial Balinese history.
She was elected as a Fellow of the Academy of Humanities of Australia in 2007. She serves on an number of editorial advisory boards including the Southeast Asian Publications Series of the Asian Studies Association of Australia, Asian Studies Review, Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific and Indonesia and the Malay World.
Creese, HelenBali in the early nineteenth century: the ethnographic accounts of Pierre Dubois. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill, 2016.
Kapandyan, A. A. Sg Putri and Creese, Helen"A Puputan Tale: The Story of a Pregnant Woman" and "Cerita Seorang Wanita Hamil Muda tentang 'Puputan Badung'". Edited by Helen Mary Creese and I Nyoman Darma Putra Denpasar, Bali: Pustaka Larasan, 2013.
Creese, Helen and Bagus Putra Yadnya, Ida (Trans)Perempuan dalam dunia kakawin: perkawinan dan seksualitas di istana Indic Jawa dan Bali. Edited by I Nyoman Darma PutraDenpasar, Indonesia: Pustaka Larasan, 2012.
Creese, HelenBalinese Manuscript Collection Index. Canberra: Australian National University, 2004.
Creese, H. M.Women of the Kakawin World: marriage and sexuality in the Indic Courts of Java and Bali. Armonk, New York: M. E. Sharpe, 2004.
Creese, HelenPārthāyaṇa = The journeying of Pārtha : an eighteenth-century Balinese kakawin. Leiden, Netherlands: KITLV Press, 1998.
Book Chapters
Creese, Helen (2018).The death of Salya: Balinese textual and iconographic representations of the Kakawin Bharatayuddha. In Traces of the Ramayana and Mahabharata in Javanese and Malay Literature (pp. 137-179)Singapore: ISEAS -Yusof Ishak Institute.
Creese, Helen (2016).Im-Materiality: where have all the aksara gone?. In Richard Fox and Annette Hornbacher (Ed.), The materiality and efficacy of Balinese letters: situating scriptural practices (pp. 166-190) Leiden, Netherlands: Brill. doi:10.1163/9789004326828_008
Creese, Helen (2011).Ramayana traditions in Bali. In Andrea Acri, Helen Creese and Arlo Griffiths (Ed.), From Laṅkā eastwards: The Rāmāyaṇa in the Literature and Visual Arts of Indonesia (pp. 93-118) Leiden, Netherlands: KITLV Press.
Creese, H. (2009).Singing the text: On-air textual interpretation in Bali. In Putten, J. van der and Kilcline Cody, M. (Ed.), Lost Times and Untold Tales from the Malay World (pp. 210-226) Singapore: NUS Press.
Creese, H. M., Putra, D. and Schulte Nordholt, H. (2006).Satu Perang, Dua Perspektif. In H. Creese, D. Putra and H. Schulte Nordholt (Ed.), Seabad Pupatan Badung: Perspectif Belanda dan Bali (pp. xi-xxii) Denpasar, Bali: KITLV Jakarta, Universitas Udayana, Pustaka Larasan.
Creese, H. M. (2006).Buku catatan harian perang Badung 1906. In H. Creese, D. Putra and H. Schulte Nordholt (Ed.), Seabad Puputan Badung: Perspektif Belanda dan Bali (pp. 111-124) Denpasar, Bali: KITLV Jakarta, Universitas Udayana, Pustaka Larasan.
Creese, H. M. (2006).Cerita seorang wanita hamil muda tentang Puputan Badung. In H. Creese, D. Putra and H. Schulte Nordholt (Ed.), Seabad Puputan Badung: Perspektif Belanda dan Bali (pp. 165-186) Denpasar, Bali: KITLV Jakarta, Universitas Udayana, Pustaka Larasan.
Creese, H M (2006).Kidung (Geguritan) Bhuwanawinasa. In H. Creese, D. Putra and H. Schulte Nordholt (Ed.), Seabad Puputan Badung: Perspektif Belanda dan Bali(pp. 125-164) Denpasar, Bali: KITLV Jakarta, Universitas Udayana, Pustaka Larasan.
Creese, Helen (2006).Badad Arya Tabanan. In Helen Creese, Darma Putra and Henk Schulte Nordholt (Ed.), Seabad puputan Badung: Perspektif Belanda dan Bali (pp. 187-195) Denpasar, Bali: KITLV Jakarta, Universitas Udayana, Pustaka Larasan.
Creese, Helen (2006).Puputan Badung: Perspektif Belanda dan Bal) should read: Seabad Puputan Badung: Perspektif Belanda dan Bali. In Puputan Badung: Perspektif Belanda dan Bal (pp. 125-164) Denpasar, Bali: KITLV Jakarta, Universitas Udayana, Pustaka Larasan.
Creese, H. M. (2000).In search of Majapahit: The transformation of Balinese identities. In A. Vickers, I. N. Putra and M. Forde (Ed.), To Change Bali: Essays in Honour of I Gusti Ngurah Bagus (pp. 15-46) Wollongong: Bali Post, Uni. Wollongong.
Journal Articles
Arps, Bernard , Creese, Helen, Cohen, Matthew Isaac and Foley, Kathy(2017)Debate: Tall tree, nest of the wind: The Javanese shadow-play Dewa Ruci performed by Ki Anom Soeroto: A study in performance philology. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia), 173 1: 115-131. doi:10.1163/22134379-17301007
Creese, Helen (2016)Buried treasure amidst grains of Balinese sand. Asian Currents, .
Putra, I. Nyoman Darma and Creese, Helen (2016)Negotiating cultural constraints: strategic decision-making by widows and divorcees (janda) in contemporary Bali. Indonesia and the Malay World, 44 128: 104-122. doi:10.1080/13639811.2015.1100869
Creese, Helen (2016)The legal status of widows and divorcees (janda) in colonial Bali. Indonesia and the Malay World, 44 128: 84-103. doi:10.1080/13639811.2015.1100862
Parker, Lyn and Creese, Helen (2016)INTRODUCTION The stigmatisation of widows and divorcees (janda) in Indonesian society. Indonesia and the Malay World, 44 128: 1-6. doi:10.1080/13639811.2015.1111647
Creese, Helen (2014)The Utsawa Dharma Gita competition: the contemporary evolution of Hindu textual singing in Indonesia. Journal of Hindu Studies, 7 2: 296-322. doi:10.1093/jhs/hiu026
Putra, I Nyoman Darma and Creese, Helen (2012)More than just "Numpang Nampang": women's participation in interactive textual singing on Balinese radio and television. Indonesia and the Malay World, 40 118: 272-297. doi:10.1080/13639811.2012.725559
Creese, Helen M. (2009)Old Javanese legal traditions in pre-colonial Bali. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 165 2/3: 241-290. doi:10.1163/22134379-90003636
Creese, Helen M. (2009)Judicial processes and legal authority in pre-colonial Bali. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land-en Volkenkunde, 165 4: 515-550. doi:10.1163/22134379-90003631
Roberts, R. and Creese, H. (2008)Gender, text, performance and agency in Asian cultural contexts. Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific, 16 1-9.
Creese, H. (2008)The regulation of marriage and sexuality in precolonial Balinese law codes. Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific, 16 1-17.
Creese, H. M. (2007)Curious modernities: Early twentieth-century Balinese textual explorations. Journal of Asian Studies, 66 3: 723-758. doi:10.1017/S0021911807000940
Creese, Helen (2006)A Puputan Tale: "The story of a pregnant woman". Indonesia, 82 1-37.
Creese, Helen (2004)Reading the Bali Post: women and representation in post-Suharto Bali. Intersections: Gender, History and Culture in the Asian Context, 10 1: .
Creese, H. M. (2003)Review of Puspakrema: a Javanese Romance from Lombok, by TH. C. Van der Meij. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 34 3: 575-576. doi:10.1017/S002246340327048X
Creese, Helen (2003)William Cummings. Making blood white: Historical transformations in early modern Makassar. American Historical Review, 108 3: 814-815. doi:10.1086/529620
Creese, Helen and Bellows, Laura (2002)Erotic Literature in Nineteenth-Century Bali. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 33 3: 385-413. doi:10.1017/S0022463402000309
Creese, H. M. (2001)Images of women and embodiment in Kakawin literature. Intersections: Gender, History and Culture in the Asian Context, 5: 1-19.
Creese, Helen (2001)Old Javanese studies: a review of the field. Bijdragen tot de Taal Land en Volkenkunde, 157 1: 3-33. doi:10.1163/22134379-90003816
Creese, H. M. (2001)Ultimate loyalties: The self-immolation of women in Java and Bali. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land-en Volkenkunde (BKI), 157 1: 131-166.
Creese, H. M. (2000)Balinese television histories: Broadcasting historical discourses in late New Order Indonesia. RIMA, 34 1: 39-84.
Creese, Helen (1999)The Balinese kakawin tradition: a preliminary description and inventory. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 155 1: 45-96. doi:10.1163/22134379-90003880
Creese, H. (1991)Balinese Babad as historical sources - a reinterpretation of the fall of Gelgel. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde: journal of the humanities and social sciences of Southeast Asia, 147 2-3: 236-260. doi:10.1163/22134379-90003188
Conference Papers
Creese, H. M. (2004).Three transitional texts: Turn of the century Balinese views of the world. In: R. Cribb, Asia Examined: Proceedings of the 15th Biennial Conference of the ASAA, 2004. 15th Biennial Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA), Canberra, Australia, (1-16). 29 June-2 July 2004.
Creese, Helen (2003).Kakawin Sebagai Sumber Sejarah Sosial Nusantara. In: Simposium Internasional Pernaskahan Nusantara Denpasar. Simposium Internasional Pernaskahan Nusantara Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, (43-63). 27-29 July, 2003.
Creese, H. M. (2002).Women, tradition and reformation in Bali. In: Gao, M., Hatley, B., Allen , P. and et al, Asian Studies Conference 2002: Program and Abstract Book. After Sovereignty: Nation and Place (Asian Studies Association of Australia), Hobart, (109-109). 30th June - 3rd July 2002.
Creese, H. M. (2000).Inside the 'Inner Court' : The world of women in Balinese Kidung poetry. In: B. Andaya, Other Pasts: Women, Gender and History. Engendering Early Modern Southeast Asian History, University of Hawaii, (125-146). 20-22 March, 1998.