Dr Teresa Hsieh
Researcher biography
Teresa Hsieh joined the University of Queensland in 2018. Prior to joining UQ, Dr Hsieh was involved teaching, curriculum development and management within the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) and the Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) program. These are federally funded vocational English language training programs for adult (forced) migrants in Australia.
Within her research, Dr Hsieh has developed the conceptual notion of 'Capital as vocational currency'. This provides a theoretical and practical framework to strengthen English language training programs and employment opportunities for migrants, and potentially international students. This research is underpinned by Pierre Bourdieu's theory of social practice.
Dr Hsieh is now working as an academic within the School of Languages and Cultures. Her research interests include additional language acquisition, and the integration of English language support for international students directly into their degree courses.
Research interests
- Additional language acquisition of international students and forced migrants
- Academic English language support for international students
- Social equity in higher education
- Host language learning as practice (underpinned by notions of Pierre Bourdieu)
- Social identity theory in second language acquisition.