Book Chapters
Cook, Angela, Shen, Chunxuan and Lai, Yen-Ying (2021). The “Flip” side of online course redevelopment: a case study of flipping a translation course. Trends and developments for the future of language education in higher education. (pp. 208-234) edited by Catherine Hua Xiang. Hershey, PA, United States: IGI Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7226-9.ch011
Lai, Yen-Ying (2014). Four discourses. The Žižek Dictionary. (pp. 97-102) edited by Rex Butler. Durham, UK: Acumen Publishing. doi: 10.4324/9781315656229-28
Journal Articles
Cook, Angela, Dianati, Seb, Spinelli, Franciele and Lai, Yen-Ying (2023). Rapid response redevelopment: a study of an English-to-Chinese translation course moving online. Journal of China Computer-Assisted Language Learning, 3 (1), 35-69. doi: 10.1515/jccall-2022-0024
Lai, Yen-Ying (2019). What Pat(rick) Califia can teach us and Deleuze cannot: a Lacanian reading of BDSM erotica and contemporary ideologies. Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society, 24 (2), 197-216. doi: 10.1057/s41282-019-00122-y
Lai, Yen-Ying (2018). The Other and the tragic subject in Chinese martial arts fiction, viewed through Lacan’s schema L. International Journal of Žižek Studies, 12 (1).
Lai, Yen-Ying (2017). Ethics of Love and Heroism: Reading Jin Yong’s Martial Arts Fiction and Lacanian Psychoanalysis. PhD Thesis, School of Communication and Arts, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/uql.2017.391