Dr Yuriko Nagata
Honorary Senior Fellow
School of Languages and Cultures

Researcher biography
Dr Yuriko Nagata's research interests include: Japanese diaspora in Australia and Pacific, and culture in Japanese language studies.
Her current research projects include:
- Cultural and social diversity in Japanese language material
- The Japanese community of Torres Strait
- The Japanese Diaspora in Australia: Gendered perspective
She was a member of the Conference Organising
Nagata, Yuriko (2009). Voices from Japan: arinomama no Nihon o shiru, kataru: chū-jōkyū Nihongo gakushūshayō. Tokyo, Japan: Kuroshio Publishers.
Nagata, Yuriko and Nagatomo, Jun (2007). Japanese Queenslanders: a history. Brisbane, Australia: Bookpal.
Nagata, Y. (2002). Record of Japanese Internment in Australia. 1st ed. Tokyo: Koobunken.
Book Chapters
Nagata, Yuriko (2018). A Nikkei Australian story: legacy of the Pacific war. Migrant nation: Australian culture, society and identity. (pp. 137-150) edited by Paul Longley Arthur. London, United Kingdom: Anthem Press.
Nagata, Yuriko and Nagatomo, Jun (2015). Japanese. We are Queenslanders: contemporary ulticultural tapestry of peoples. (pp. 225-227) Brisbane, Queensland: Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland.
Matthews, Julie and Nagata, Yuriko (2014). Pedagogies of the Japanese diaspora: racialization and sexualization in Australia. Migration, Diaspora and Identity: Cross-National Experiences. (pp. 141-155) edited by Georgina Tsolidis. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer Netherlands. doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-7211-3_9
Nagata, Y. (2008). Naive patriotism: The internment of Moshi Inagaki in Australia during the Second World War. Under Suspicion: Citizenship and Internment in Australia during the Second World War. (pp. 112-124) edited by Beaumont, J., Marinuzzi O'Brien, I. and Trinca, M.. Canberra: National Museum of Australia Press.
Nagata, Y (2006). La guerre du Pacifique et les immigrs japonais en Nouvelle-Caldonie. Feu nos Peres: Les emigrants japonais en Nouvelle-Caledonie. (pp. 61-65) edited by M. Tsuda. Kyoto: Feu nos Peres Exhibition Committee.
Nagata, Yuriko and Sullivan, Kristen (2005). Hegemonic gender in Japanese as a foreign language education: Australian perspectives. Genders, Transgenders and Sexualities in Japan. (pp. 15-32) Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. doi: 10.4324/9780203346839
Nagata, Yuriko and Sullivan, Kristen (2005). Hegemonic gender in Japanese as a foreign language education: Australian perspectives. Genders, Transgenders and Sexualities in Japan. (pp. 15-32) edited by M. McLelland and R. Dasgupta. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
Nagata, Yuriko (2004). The Japanese in Torres Strait. Navigating Boundaries: The Asian Diaspora in Torres Strait. (pp. 139-159) edited by A. Shnukal, G. Ramsay and Y. Nagata. Canberra: Pandanus Books.
Shnukal, A., Ramsay, G. M. and Nagata, Y. (2004). Introduction. Navigating boundaries: The Asian diaspora in the Torres Strait. (pp. 2-11) edited by Anna Shnukal, Guy Ramsay and Yuriko Nagata. Pandanus Books: Canberra, Australia.
Nagata, Y. (2001). Certain types of aliens: The Japanese in Australia, 1941-1952. Relationships: Japan and Australia, 1870s-1950s. (pp. 217-240) edited by Paul Jones and Vera Mackie. Melbourne: History Dept., Univ Melbourne.
Nagata, Y. (2001). Lost in space: Ethnicity and identity of Japanese-Australians 1945-1960s. Changing Histories: Australia and Japan. (pp. 85-99) edited by Jones, Paul and Oliver, Pam. Monash: Monash University Press.
Nagata, Y. (2001). Japanese. Multicultural Queensland, 2001. (pp. 222-249) edited by Maximilian Brandle. Albert St., Brisbane: Multicultural Affairs Qld., Dept of the Premier and Cabinet.
Nagata, Y. (2000). 'A little colony on our own': Australia's camps in World War II. Alien justice : Wartime internment in Australia and North America. (pp. 185-204) edited by Kay Saunders and Roger Daniels. St Lucia, QLD, Australia: University of Queensland Press.
Nagata, Y. (1999). 'Send them all back': Repatriation of Japanese internees held in Australia during the Second World War. 1945 War and Peace in the Pacific: Selected Essays. (pp. 155-166) edited by P. Dennis. Canberra, ACT Australia: Australia War Memorial.
Nagata, Y. (1999). Once I couldn't even spell 'PhD student', but now I are one: Personal experiences of an NESB student. Supervising postgraduates from non-English speaking backgrounds. (pp. 15-24) edited by Yoni Ryan and Ortrun Zuber-Skerritt. Buckingham, UK & Philadelphia, USA: Open University Press.
Journal Articles
Nagata, Yuriko (2009). Review of JEFFERY LESSER. A Discontented Diaspora - Japanese Brazilians and the Meanings of Ethnic Militancy, 1960-1980. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2007. Asian Studies Review, 33 (4), 546-548.
Nagata, Y. (2008). Japanese internment: Australian and New Caledonian experiences. Ritsumeikan Studies in Language and Culture, 20 (1), 93-102.
Nagata, Y. (2003). Gendering Australia-Japan relations: prostitutes and the Japanese diaspora in Australia. Ritsumeikan Journal of Asia Pacific Studies, 11, 57-70.
Nagata, Y. (2003). Oosutoraria no Nihongokyooiku: Keei DooKoo, Tenboo [Japanese language education in Australia: its brief history, recent trend and future]. Shimonoseki City University Review, 46 (3), 27-31.
Nagata, Y. (2003). Review of Number 2 home: story of Japanese pioneers in Australia by Noreen Jones. Asian Studies Review, 27 (2), 269-270.
永田由利子 Nagata, Yuriko (2003). 「和解」のないままに―日系オーストラリア人強制収容が意味したこと―. オーストラリア研究, 15, 91-103.
Nagata, Yuriko (1999). Japanese-Australians in the post-war Thursday Island community. Queensland Review: Asians in Australian History, 6 (2), 30-44.
Nagata, Y. (1997). Accentuating the positive: Fostering the integration of Japanese language teaching and Japanese studies (JS) in Australia. Japanese Studies, 17 (2-3), 37-46.
Conference Paper
Nagata, Yuriko (2010). Nikkeiimin no shuyojo no seikatsu [The life in the Internment Camp]. Wakayama kara Sekai eno imin: Senjin no rekishi wo manabi, aratana kokusaikouryu e" [Overseas Emigration from Wakayama: Creating a new international exchange through understanding of the history of the emigrants], Wakayama, Japan, 2009.