Dr Joe Hardwick
French Major
School of Languages and Cultures
+61 7 336 52277

Researcher biography
Dr Joe Hardwick's research interests include: French cinema; French "existentialist" literature; narrative theory; queer theory; and cultural studies.
His current research projects include:
- Mobility, marginality and identity in le jeune cinéma français
- The representation of gay and bisexual male characters in French cinematic love triangles
- The transition from secondary to university French
He also teaches courses in French language, cinema, literature and cultural studies
Featured projects | Duration |
Genre, Generation and Subjectivity in French and Australian "youth" Cinema The University of Queensland |
2004 |
Book Chapters
Hardwick, Joe (2020). House of mirrors: narrative seduction and the power of fiction in François Ozon's Dans la maison (2012). Still loitering: Australian essays in honour of Ross Chambers. (pp. 99-120) edited by Valentina Gosetti and Alistair Rolls. Oxford, United Kingdom: Peter Lang.
Hardwick, Joe (2020). House of mirrors: narrative seduction and the power of fiction in François Ozon's Dans la Maison (2012). Still loitering: Australian essays in honour of Ross Chambers. (pp. 99-122) edited by Valentina Gosetti and Alistair Rolls. Oxford, United Kingdown: Peter Lang.
Hardwick, Joe (2016). Regards troublants. Texte, intertexte et cadrages generiques dans Nettoyage a sec d'Anne Fontaine (1997). Genre, Text and Language: Melanges Anne Freadman. (pp. 299-316) edited by Véronique Duché, Tess Do and Andrea Rizzi. Paris, France: Classiques Garnier.
Hardwick, Joe (2011). So over the rainbow? The singular plurality of Martineau and Ducastel's Drole de Felix. Hexagonal variations: Diversity, plurality and reinvention in contemporary France. (pp. 101-117) edited by Jo McCormack, Murray Pratt and Alistair Rolls. New York, United States: Rodopi.
Hardwick, Joseph B., De Nooy, Juliana and Hanna, Barbara E. (2005). Writing the self in French: (P)actes autobiographiqes. Soi-disant: Life Writing in French. (pp. 1-11) edited by J. De Nooy, J. Hardwick and B. E. Hanna. Newark DE: University of Delaware Press.
Hardwick, J. B. (1999). Be my guest: Invitation to a re-reading of Simone de Beauvoir's L'invitee. Variete: Perspectives in French Literature, Society and Culture: Studies in honour of Kenneth Raymond Dutton, Emeritus Professor, The University of Newcastle, Australia. (pp. 249-260) edited by Marie Ramsland and Kenneth R. Dutton. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang.
Hardwick, Joseph (1992). Qu'est-ce que c'est que cette histoire! a narratological study of Sartre's La Nausée. In the Place of French: Essays on and Around French Studies in Honour of Michael Spencer. (pp. 83-98) edited by Peter Cryle, Anne Freadman and Jean-Claude Lacherez. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: University of Queensland.
Journal Articles
Hardwick, Joe (2024). Book review: On ne naît pas mec. Petit traité féministe sur les masculinités, by Daisy Letourneur. Simone de Beauvoir Studies, 35 (1-2), 315-320. doi: 10.1163/25897616-bja10114
Hardwick, Joe (2024). Review of Todd Reeser, Queer Cinema in Contemporary France : Five Directors(2022). H-France Review. Vol 24 (2024). H-France Review, 24 (19), 1-5.
Hubbell, Amy, Hardwick, Joe, Barnett, Jenny Davis and Hanna, Barbara E. (2023). Un.siting French Studies. Australian Journal of French Studies, 60 (2), 113-121. doi: 10.3828/ajfs.2023.11
Hardwick, Joe (2022). Gemma King, Jacques Audiard, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2021. Australian Journal of French Studies, 59 (4), 447-449. doi: 10.3828/AJFS.2022.33
Hardwick, Joe (2022). Undressed to kill: knowing, reading and connecting in Alain Guiraudie’s homme fatal thriller L’Inconnu du lac (2013). French Screen Studies, 23 (1), 1-16. doi: 10.1080/26438941.2022.2035506
Hanna, Barbara, Hardwick, Joe and Cowley, Peter (2020). Dealing with difference: The transition to university french. Babel, 55 ( 1 & 2), 22-29.
Hardwick, Joe (2019). Double binds and double movements: masculinity, mobility and fraternal rivalry in Pascal Alex Vincent's Donne-moi la main (2008). French Cultural Studies, 30 (1), 44-52. doi: 10.1177/0957155818810662
Hardwick, Joe (2018). Review of Felicity Chaplin, La Parisienne in Cinema: Between Art and Life, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2017. Australian Journal of French Studies, 55 (3), 330-331. doi: 10.3828/AJFS.2018.28
Hardwick, Joe (2017). The transnational and the transformative: Haim Tabakman's Tu n'aimeras point and the shifting profile of French cinema in the Twenty-first Century. Australian Journal of French Studies, 54 (1), 84-95. doi: 10.3828/AJFS.2017.07
Hardwick, Joe and Hubbell, Amy (2016). Tyrannies of Distance, Perils of Proximity: Time, Space and Virtuality in the French and Francophone World. Australian Journal of French Studies, 53 (1-2), 3-18. doi: 10.3828/AJFS.2016.01
Hardwick, Joe (2015). Reframing the periphery: narrative authority and self-reflexivity in Mathieu Kassovitz's La Haine. Australian Journal of French Studies, 52 (2), 127-138. doi: 10.3828/ajfs.2015.11
Hardwick, Joe (2013). Le je(u) de l'actrice : role-play and rebirth in Roch Stephanik's Stand-by (2000). Essays in French Literature and Culture, 50, 35-50.
Pratt, Murray, Stephens, Elizabeth, Rolls, Alistair, Hardwick, Joe and Hainge, Greg (2011). Larry Schehr. Australian Journal of French Studies, 48 (3), 348-352. doi: 10.3828/ajfs.48.3.348
Hardwick, Joe (2010). Transports prives: Claire Denis's Vendredi soir and the mobile urban woman in French cinema. French Cultural Studies, 21 (3), 192-201. doi: 10.1177/0957155810370384
Hardwick, Joseph B. (2009). Wander lust: genre, sexuality and identity in Ana Kokkinos's Head On. Cultural Studies Review, 15 (1), 33-42. doi: 10.5130/csr.v15i1.2052
Hardwick, Joe (2008). The vague nouvelle and the Nouvelle Vague: The critical construction of le jeune cinéma français. Modern and Contemporary France, 16 (1), 51-65. doi: 10.1080/09639480701802666
Hardwick, Joe (2008). (Rétro) projections: French cinema in the twenty-first century. The bodily and the political. Australian Journal of French Studies, 45 (3), 185-196. doi: 10.3828/AJFS.45.3.185
Hardwick, Joe (2007). Fallen angels and flawed saviours: marginality and exclusion in La Vie de Jésus and La Vie rêvée des anges. Studies in French Cinema, 7 (3), 219-230. doi: 10.1386/sfc.7.3.219_1
Hardwick, Joe (2005). Rules of engagement: Cross-cultural glances in critical writing on recent French and Australian 'youth' films. Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 19 (1), 73-84. doi: 10.1080/1030431052000336306
De Nooy, J., Hardwick, J. and Hanna, B. E. (2005). Soi-disant: Writing, screening, theorizing the self in French (vol 41, p g 1, 2004). Australian Journal of French Studies, 42 (1), 5-5.
Hardwick, J (2004). Bodies that loiter: Genre, generation and subjectivity in Les 'Corps Ouverts'. Australian Journal of French Studies, 41 (3), 75-87. doi: 10.3828/AJFS.41.3.75
de Nooy, J., Hardwick, J. and Hanna, Barbara E. (2004). Soi-disant: Writing, screening, theorizing the self in French. Australian Journal of French Studies, 41 (3), 1-9. doi: 10.3828/ajfs.41.3.1
Hardwick, J. B. (2001). Speaking ill: The language of sickness in Albert Camus' The Plague. Inter-Cultural Studies: A Forum on Social Change & Cultural Diversity, 1 (2), 40-48.
Hardwick, J. B. (1999). Keeping it together and falling apart in Simone de Beauvoir's La Femme rompue. Essays in French Literature, 35-36, 165-177.
Hardwick, Joseph Brian (2002). Romans et theses : French "existentialist" fiction, literary history and literary modernism. PhD Thesis, School of Languages and Comparative Cultural Studies, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/106156