Dr Noriko Iwashita

Researcher biography
Noriko Iwashita joined The University of Queensland in 2005. Prior to joining UQ, she was a Research Fellow at the Language Testing Research Center (LTRC) . At the LTRC she was involved in a variety of projects ranging from language assessment to bilingual and foreign language education in ESL, Japanese and other languages (e.g., Chinese and Indonesian). She was involved with colleagues at the LTRC in three large ETS (Educational Testing Service, USA) research projects funded for the development of a new TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) speaking test. She taught Japanese at various levels in Melbourne for many years and taught Applied Linguistics courses and supervised undergraduate and graduate students' research projects at The University of Melbourne and Universities in the USA.
Dr Noriko Iwashita’s research interests include the interfaces of language assessment and SLA, peer interaction in classroom based research and task-based assessment, and cross-linguistic investigation of four major language traits.
Research Interests: • Role of interaction in second language learning • Peer interaction assessment • Task-based language teaching, learning and assessment • Construct of oral proficiency in second language acquisition research and second language assessment and testing research