Honorary Professor Darma Putra
Honorary Professor
School of Languages and Cultures
Creese, Helen and Bagus Putra Yadnya, Ida (Trans) (2012). Perempuan dalam dunia kakawin: perkawinan dan seksualitas di istana Indic Jawa dan Bali. Denpasar, Indonesia: Pustaka Larasan.
Putra, I Nyoman Darma (2011). A literary mirror: Balinese reflections on modernity and identity in the twentieth century. Leiden, Netherlands: KITLV Press.
Putra, I Nyoman Darma (2008). Bali dalam Kuasa Politik. Denpasar: Arti Foundation.
Hitchcock, M. and Putra, I Nyoman Darma (2007). Tourism, Development and Terrorism in Bali. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
Putra, I. Nyoman Darma (2003). Wanita Bali tempo doeloe : perspektif masa kini. Cet. 1. ed. Gianyar, Bali: Yayasan Bali Jani.
Putra, I. N. D. (2000). Tonggak Baru Sastra Bali Modern [The Milestones of Modern Balinese Literature]. Yogyakarta , Indonesia: Duta Wacana University Press.
Book Chapters
Putra, I Nyoman Darma (2014). Puja Mandala: an invented icon of Bali's religious tolerance?. Between harmony and discrimination: negotiating religious identities within majority-minority relationships in Bali and Lombok. (pp. 330-353) edited by Brigitta Hauser-Schaublin and David D. Harnish. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill. doi: 10.1163/9789004271494_015
Putra, I Nyoman Darma (2012). Loving guests in Bali. Australia's Asia: from yellow peril to Asian century. (pp. 198-220) edited by David Walker and Agnieszka Sobocinska. Crawley, WA, Australia: UWA Publishing.
Putra, I Nyoman Darma (2012). Getting organized culture and nationalism in Bali, 1959-1965. Heirs to world culture: being Indonesian 1950-1965. (pp. 315-342) edited by Jennifer Lindsay and Maya H. T. Liem. The Nethelands: KITLV Press.
Putra, I Nyoman Darma and Hitchcock, Michael (2009). Terrorism and tourism in Bali and Southeast Asia. Tourism in Southeast Asia: Challenges and New Directions. (pp. 83-98) edited by Hitchcock, Michael, King, Victor T. and Parnwell, Michael. Copenhagan, Denmark: NIAS Press.
Hitchcock, Michael and Darma Putra, I Nyoman (2009). Cultural perspectives on tourism and terrorism. Tourism, Power and Culture: Anthropological Insights. (pp. 90-106) Channel View Publications. doi: 10.21832/9781845411268-008
Hitchcock, Michael and Putra, I. Nyoman Darma (2008). Old tourists and new tourists: Management challenges for Bali's tourism industry. Asian tourism: Growth and change. (pp. 209-220) edited by Janet Cochrane. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. doi: 10.4324/9780080556208
Barker, T., Putra, D and Wiranatha, A. (2006). Authenticity and commodification of Balinese dance performances. Cultural Tourism in a Changing World: Politics, participation and (re)presentation. (pp. 215-224) edited by M. Smith and M. Robinson. Toronto: Channel View Publications. doi: 10.21832/9781845410452-016
Creese, H. M., Putra, D. and Schulte Nordholt, H. (2006). Satu Perang, Dua Perspektif. Seabad Pupatan Badung: Perspectif Belanda dan Bali. (pp. xi-xxii) edited by H. Creese, D. Putra and H. Schulte Nordholt. Denpasar, Bali: KITLV Jakarta, Universitas Udayana, Pustaka Larasan.
Putra, Darma (2004). "Mencari Bali dalam 'Malaikat Biru Kota Hobart'". Malaikat Biru Kota Hobart: Suara dari Bali. (pp. 360-391) edited by Agus R. Sarjono, Halvy Tiana Rosa, Jamal D. Rahman and Maman S. Mahayana. Jakarta: Jakarta Arts Council and Logung Pustaka.
Darma Putra, I. Nyoman (2003). Reflections on literature and politics in Bali: The development of Lekra, 1950-1966. Inequality, Crisis and Social Change in Indonesia: The Muted Worlds of Bali. (pp. 55-86) RoutledgeCurzon Taylor & Francis Group. doi: 10.4324/9780203401910
Putra, I. Nyoman Darma (2003). Reflections on literature and politics in Bali: The development of Lekra, 1950-1966. Inequality, crisis and social change in Indonesia : The muted worlds of Bali. (pp. 54-85) edited by Thomas A. Reuter. London, United Kingdom: RoutledgeCurzon.
Putra, I. N. D. (2003). Cerpen yang Menghindari Konflik (Conflict Avoidance in Indonesian Short Stories), an introduction to the short story collection.. Waktu Nayla, Cerpen Pilihan Kompas 2003 (Nayla's Time, Kompas Selected Short Stories 2003). (pp. xvii-xxxviii) edited by Kenedi Nurhan. Jakarta, Indonesia: Buku Kompas.
Putra, I. N. D. (2000). Introduction translated by Gai Littler. Menagerie4. (pp. 4-8) edited by J. McGlynn, Series Editor, I.N.D. Putra and Guest Editor. Jakarta: Lontar Foundation.
Putra, I. N. D. (2000). Indonesian poetry in Bali trans by Sally Wellesley. Menagerie4. (pp. 137-143) edited by J. McGlynn and I. N. Darma Putra. Jakarta: Lontar Foundation.
Putra, I Nyoman Darma (2000). Bali and modern Indonesian literature: The 1950s. To Change Bali: Essays in honour of I Gusti Ngurah Bagus. (pp. 113-134) edited by Adrian Vickers, I Nyoman Darma Putra and Michele Forde. Wollongong: Bali Post.
Journal Articles
Suyadnya, I Wayan, Prianti, Desi Dwi, Kanto, Sanggar and Putra, I Nyoman Darma (2025). The local dynamics of global ecotourism trend in the old Balinese village, Indonesia. Cogent Arts & Humanities, 12 (1) 2451516, 1. doi: 10.1080/23311983.2025.2451516
Pratiwi, Nuning Indah, Putra, I Nyoman Darma, Kumbara, Anak Agung Ngurah Anom and Widhiasthini, Ni Wayan (2024). Hegemony in Political Communication: The Swing Voter Phenomenon in the 2020 Regional Election in Karangasem Regency, Bali. Global International Journal of Innovative Research, 2 (10), 2344-2356. doi: 10.59613/global.v2i10.247
Bhaskara, Gde Indra, Filimonau, Viachaslau, Kusumawardhana, Indra, Darma Putra, I. Nyoman, Sucita Yanthy, Putu and Nur Hakim, Imam (2024). Environmental habitus of chefs and food waste management in hospitality operations. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print), 1-27. doi: 10.1080/09669582.2024.2408008
Surya, I Gede Girinatha, Darma Putra, I Nyoman and Gelgel, Ni Made Ras Amanda (2024). THE BALINESE GAMELAN PHENOMENON IN DIGITAL SIMULATION. E-Journal of Cultural Studies, 17 (3), 1-16. doi: 10.24843/cs.2024.v17.i03.p01
Warastuthi, Made Rai, Mahendra, Made Sudiana, Paturusi, Syamsul Alam and Putra, I Nyoman Darma (2024). Spatio-Temporal Changes in Green Open Spaces in Tourism Areas of Bali, Indonesia and Their Implications on Climate Change. Environment and Ecology Research, 12 (2), 203-213. doi: 10.13189/eer.2024.120211
Siringo Ringo, Renata Lusilaora, Darma Putra, I Nyoman, Sutrisno, Nanang and Banda, Maria Matildis (2024). Structuration In Communication Of Vegetable Farmers With Middleman In Baturiti District Tabanan Bali. E-Journal of Cultural Studies, 17 (1), 19-38. doi: 10.24843/cs.2024.v17.i01.p02
Pantiyasa, I Wayan, Putra, I Nyoman Darma, Antara, Made, Suardana, I Wayan and Antara, Ketut (2024). Investigation Of Ecotourism Development Based On Collaboration Between Tinggan Indigenous Peoples Aad Stakeholders In The Pucak Tinggan Area Of Bali. Journal of Social Science, 3 (1), 1246-1263. doi: 10.57185/joss.v3i1.275
Sudiksa, I Nyoman, Putra, I Nyoman Darma, Sunarta, I Nyoman and Mananda, I Gusti Putu Bagus Sasrawan (2023). Local hotel innovation in post-Covid-19 tourism destinations: typology, models and influence on performance. Devotion: Journal of Research and Community Service, 4 (12), 2263-2270. doi: 10.59188/devotion.v4i12.626
Rosalina, Putu Devi, Dupre, Karine, Wang, Ying, Putra, I. Nyoman Darma and Jin, Xin (2023). Rural tourism resource management strategies: A case study of two tourism villages in Bali. Tourism Management Perspectives, 49 101194, 1-15. doi: 10.1016/j.tmp.2023.101194
Simanihuruk, Bertova, Surbakti, Asmyta, Putra, I. Nyoman Darma and Setia, Eddy (2023). Lake Toba fictionalizations through Indonesian writings: a literary tourism approac. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 13 (10), 2605-2612. doi: 10.17507/tpls.1310.19
Yasa, Gede Pasek Putra Adnyana, Putra, I Nyoman Darma, Pujaastawa, I B Gde and Julianto, I Nyoman Larry (2023). Upin Ipin animation: the media of Malaysia's identity politics. E-Journal of Cultural Studies, 16 (3), 37-47. doi: 10.24843/cs.2023.v16.i03.p04
Putra, I Nyoman Darma, Pidada, Ida Bagus Jelantik Sutanegara and Sari, Ida Ayu Laksmita (2023). Identitas Lintas Budaya: Puisi Haiku Jepang Berbahasa Bali. Panggung, 33 (2), 190-208. doi: 10.26742/panggung.v33i2.2334
Putra, Agus Muriawan, Wiranatha, Agung Suryawan, Putra, I Nyoman Darma, Ariana, Nyoman and Suryawardani, I Gusti Ayu Oka (2023). Tourism village development is reviewed from a sustainable aspect in Marga District, Tabanan Regency. International Journal of Tourism and Hotel Management, 5 (2), 33-43. doi: 10.22271/27069583.2023.v5.i2a.77
Rosalina, Putu Devi, Wang, Ying, Dupre, Karine, Putra, I Nyoman Darma and Jin, Xin (2023). Rural tourism in Bali: towards a conflict-based tourism resource typology and management. Tourism Recreation Research, 1-16. doi: 10.1080/02508281.2023.2223076
Suyadnya, I Wayan, Kanto, Sanggar, Putra, I Nyoman Darma and Prianti, Desi Dwi (2023). Jejak Citra Kuno Orang Tenganan dalam Foto Masa Kolonial 1920-1940. Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora, 12 (1), 86-98. doi: 10.23887/jish.v12i1.53900
Yusa, I. Made Marthana, Ardhana, I. Ketut, Putra, I. Nyoman Darma and Pujaastawa, Ida Bagus Gede (2023). Emotional Design: A Review Of Theoretical Foundations, Methodologies, And Applications. Journal of Aesthetics, Design, and Art Management, 3 (1), 1-14. doi: 10.58982/jadam.v3i1.308
Simanihuruk, Bertova, Surbakti, Asmyta, Putra, I. Nyoman Darma and Setia, Eddy (2022). Peran Toba Dreams Dalam Pengembangan Destinasi Wisata Danau Toba: Pendekatan Sastra Pariwisata. GERAM, 10 (2), 1-12. doi: 10.25299/geram.2022.vol10(2).10665
Santosa, I. Nyoman Wahyu Angga Budi, Putra, I. Nyoman Darma and Suardiana, I. Wayan (2022). Adi Buddha dalam Candra Bhairawa Parwa. Jumantara: Jurnal Manuskrip Nusantara, 13 (2), 181-194. doi: 10.37014/jumantara.v13i2.3303
Wijaya, Komang Adi Sastra, Suarka, I. Nyoman, Putra, I. Nyoman Darma and Eddy, I. Wayan Tagel (2022). The old state ideology behind the Sewaka Dharma Motto in Denpasar city government practice. Linguistics and Culture Review, 6 (1), 237-255. doi: 10.21744/lingcure.v6n1.2215
Pracintya, Ida Ayu Etsa, Darma Putra, I. Nyoman and Sucita Yanthy, Putu (2022). Tourism Promotion Symbols for Bandung City in a Teenager Romantic Film ‘Dilan 1990’. Mudra Jurnal Seni Budaya, 37 (4), 374-381. doi: 10.31091/mudra.v37i4.2084
Pracintya, I.A. Etsa, Putra, I. Nyoman Darma and Yathy, Putu Sucita (2022). Simbol-Simbol Promosi Pariwisata Yogyakarta dalam Film ‘Ada Apa Dengan Cinta? 2’. Panggung, 32 (3), 1-15. doi: 10.26742/panggung.v32i3.2261
Simanihuruk, Bertova, Surbakti, Asmyta, Putra, I Nyoman Darma and Setia, Eddy (2022). Sastra Pariwisata: Lukisan Lanskap dan Rute Wisata Kota Parapat dalam Novel Tepi Tob. Nusa: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra, 17 (2), 164-178. doi: 10.14710/nusa.17.2.39-53
Wijaya, I Nyoman, Putra, I Nyoman Darma and Vickers, Adrian (2021). The social realist stories of Putu Shanty as historical record: Balinese culture and Indonesian national politics in the 1950s. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde: journal of the humanities and social sciences of Southeast Asia, 177 (2-3), 265-289. doi: 10.1163/22134379-bja10021
Jumail, Mohamad, Putra, I. Nyoman Darma, Wiranatha, Anak Agung Putu Agung Suryawan, Suyasa, I. Made, Fathurrahim, , Mahsun, and Gadu, Primus (2021). Post-earthquake crises management at Gili Trawangan, Lombok. Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism, 10 (3), 229-242.
Darma Putra, I Nyoman, Verheijen, Bart, Ardika, I Wayan and Yanthy, Putu Sucita (2021). Affinity tourism and exotic tourism in Bali. The Chinese and Indian tourist gaze in the Garuda Wisnu Kencana Park. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 19 (4), 427-443. doi: 10.1080/14766825.2020.1797063
Laksmita Sari, Ida Ayu and Nyoman Darma Putra, I. (2020). Narrative on nature conservation: a comparative study of the folktales of bali aga and ainu. Kemanusiaan, 27 (2), 59-78. doi: 10.21315/KAJH2020.27.2.4
Mahendra, Agus Putra, Putra, I. Nyoman Darma and Pujaastawa, Ida Bagus Gde (2020). Politically motivated education policy: development of basic education through distribution of free laptops in Badung Regency, Bali . Jurnal Kajian Bali, 10 (1), 327-345. doi: 10.24843/JKB.2020.v10.i01.p15
Dalimunthe, Syairal Fahmy, Ardika, I Wayan, Darma Putra, I Nyoman, Suka Arjawa, I Gst Bagus and Indriany D, Femmy (2020). Political Mediatization of Blasphemy News. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 7 (2), 436-444. doi: 10.18415/ijmmu.v7i2.1452
Verheijen, Bart and Putra, I. Nyoman Darma (2020). Balinese cultural identity and global tourism: the Garuda Wisnu Kencana cultural park. Asian Ethnicity, 21 (3), 425-442. doi: 10.1080/14631369.2019.1641691
Putra, I Nyoman Darma and Sari, Ida Ayu Laksmita (2019). Revitalisasi tembang teks sastra Bali tradisional dalam ranah ritual dan digital. ATAVISME, 22 (1), 32-46. doi: 10.24257/atavisme.v22i1.541.32-46
Pickel-Chevalier, Sylvine, Bendesa, I. Komang Gde and Putra, I. Nyoman Darma (2019). The integrated touristic villages: an Indonesian model of sustainable tourism?. Tourism Geographies, 23 (3), 623-647. doi: 10.1080/14616688.2019.1600006
Putra, I. Nyoman Darma and Creese, Helen (2016). Negotiating cultural constraints: strategic decision-making by widows and divorcees (janda) in contemporary Bali. Indonesia and the Malay World, 44 (128), 104-122. doi: 10.1080/13639811.2015.1100869
Putra, I. Nyoman Darma (2014). Popularizing religious values through textual singing on interactive radio and TV programmes in Bali. Journal of Hindu Studies, 7 (2), 273-295. doi: 10.1093/jhs/hiu022
Lewis, Jeff, Lewis, Belinda and Putra, I Nyoman Darma (2013). The Bali bombings monument: ceremonial cosmopolis. Journal of Asian Studies, 72 (1), 21-43. doi: 10.1017/S0021911812001799
Putra, I Nyoman Darma and Creese, Helen (2012). More than just "Numpang Nampang": women's participation in interactive textual singing on Balinese radio and television. Indonesia and the Malay World, 40 (118), 272-297. doi: 10.1080/13639811.2012.725559
Putra, I. Nyoman Darma (2009). Kidung interaktif: Vocalising and interpreting traditional literature through electronic mass media in Bali. Indonesia and the Malay world, 37 (109), 249-276. doi: 10.1080/13639810903269276
MacRae, Graeme and Putra, I Nyoman Darma (2009). Not just an elite game. Inside Indonesia, 97, e1-e5.
MacRae, G. and Putra, I. Nyoman Darma (2008). 'A peaceful festival of democracy': Aristocratic rivalry and the media in a local election in Bali. RIMA: Review of Indonesian and Malaysian Affairs, 42 (2), 107-146.
Putra, I Nyoman Darma (2008). Modern performing arts as a reflection of changing Balinese identity. Indonesia and the Malay World, 36 (104), 87-114. doi: 10.1080/13639810802017842
Putra, I Nyoman Darma (2008). The survival of the Balinese language. It Beaken, 70 (1/2), 143-154.
Putra, I. Nyoman Darma (2007). Pengorbanan memperjuangkan Idealisme. Horison: Majalah Sastra, 42 (9), 10-12.
Putra, I Nyoman Darma (2007). Menyuguhkan Bali dengan keterbukaan. Horison: Majalah Sastra, 42 (9), 7-9.
Putra, I. Nyoman Darma (2007). Pram dan Bali: Intimasi tanpa Kreasi. Horison: Majalah Sastra, 41 (7), 7-12.
MacRae, G. and Putra, I Nyoman Darma (2007). A new theatre-state in Bali? Aristrocracies, the media and cultural revival in the 2005 local elections. Asian Studies Review, 31 (2), 171-189. doi: 10.1080/10357820701373317
Wesner, S., Hitchcock, M. and Putra, I Nyoman Darma (2007). Walter Spies and Dresden: The early formative years of Bali's renowned artist, author and tourist icon. Indonesia and the Malay World, 35 (102), 211-230. doi: 10.1080/13639810701440640
Putra, I Nyoman Darma and Hitchcock, Michael (2006). The Bali bombs and the tourism development cycle. Progress in Development Studies, 6 (2), 157-166. doi: 10.1191/1464993406ps134oa
Putra, D (2006). Who is Corby? And other bewildering questions. The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 17 (1), 76-79.
Hitchcock, M. and Putra, I. N. D. (2005). Pura Besakih: A World Heritage Site Contested. Indonesia and the Malay World, 33 (96), 225-238. doi: 10.1080/13639810500284116
Hitchcock, Michael and Putra, I. Nyoman Darma (2005). The Bali bombings: Tourism crisis management and conflict avoidance. Current Issues in Tourism, 8 (1), 62-76. doi: 10.1080/13683500508668205
Putra, I. N. D. (2000). Balinese and westerners: Cultural perceptions in modern Balinese writing. Asian Studies Review, 24 (1), 51-69. doi: 10.1080/10357820008713259
Conference Paper
Laluas, Efraim, Lanya, Indayati, Paturusi, Syamsul Alam and Putra, I Nyoman Darma (2024). Border Area Development Miangas Island as a Tourism Attraction in the District of Talaud Islands North Sulawesi. 12th AMER InternationalConference on Quality of Life, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, 26-28 January 2024. Sheffield, United Kingdom: e-International Publishing House. doi: 10.21834/e-bpj.v9i27.5599