Professor Ping Chen
Chinese Program
School of Languages and Cultures
+61 7 336 56341

Researcher biography
Professor Ping Chen is Chair in Chinese Studies. His research interests include functional syntax, discourse analysis, semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, and historical linguistics. His current research projects are related to information structure in Chinese, and uses of languages in present-day China.
He teaches in the areas of Chinese language and linguistics.
Chen, Ping (2017). Language in a Modernizing China. Beijing China: Commercial Press.
Chen, Ping (2017). Introduction, Integration and Innovation. Beijing, China: Commercial Press.
Chen, Ping (2017). The Chinese Language: Form, Meaning and Function. Beijing, China: Commercial Press.
Gottlieb, Nanette and Chen, Ping (2013). Language planning and language policy: East Asian perspectives. Richmond, United Kingdom: Curzon Press. doi: 10.4324/9781315028873
Chen, P. (1999). Modern Chinese: Its History and Sociolinguistics. Cambridge & New York: Cambridge Univ. Press.
Book Chapters
Ko, Leong and Chen, Ping (2015). Preface: Translation: East and west. Translation and cross-cultural communication studies in the Asia Pacific. (pp. 9-11) edited by Leong Ko and Ping Chen. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill. doi: 10.1163/9789004299245_001
Chen, Ping (2015). Referentiality and definiteness in Chinese. The Oxford Handbook of Chinese Linguistics. (pp. 404-413) edited by William S-Y. Wang and Chaofen Sun. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Chen, Ping (2015). Language reform in modern China. The Oxford Handbook of Chinese Linguistics. (pp. 531-540) edited by William S-Y Wang and Chaofen Sun. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
陳平 Chen, Ping (2013). 從結構主義語義學角度看「葷(菜)」與meat 的釋義和翻譯. Definition and translation of hun (cai) and meat from the perspective of structural semantics. 翻譯研究與跨文化交流 (Translation Studies and Cross-Cultural Communication). (pp. 111-122) edited by 高亮 (Leong Ko) and 主編 (Ping Chen). Taipei, Taiwan: Bookman.
Chen, Ping (2013). Policy on the selection and implementation of a standard language as a source of conflict in Taiwan. Language Planning and Language Policy: East Asian Perspectives. (pp. 95-110) London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315028873-11
Chen, Ping (2013). Development and standardization of Lexicon in modern written Chinese. Language Planning and Language Policy: East Asian Perspectives. (pp. 49-74) London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315028873-9
Chen, P. (2008). Languages in a modernizing China. The Cambridge Companion to Modern Chinese Culture. (pp. 198-217) edited by K. Louie. New York: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CCOL9780521863223.010
Chen, P. (2007). China. Language and National Identity in Asia. (pp. 141-167) edited by Simpson, A.. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oso/9780199267484.003.0007
Chen, P. (2001). Language policy in Hong Kong during the colonial period before July 1, 1997. Language Planning and Language Policy: East Asian Perspectives. (pp. 111-128) edited by N. Gottlieb and P. Chen. Surrey, UK: Curzon. doi: 10.4324/9781315028873-12
Chen, P. (2001). Policy on the selection and implementation of a standard language as a source of conflict in Taiwan. Language Planning and Language Policy: East Asian Perspectives. (pp. 75-94) edited by N.Gottlieb and P. Chen. Surrey, UK: Curzon.
Chen, P. (2001). Functions of phonetic writing in Chinese. Language Planning and Language Policy: East Asian Perspectives. (pp. 75-94) edited by N.Gottlieb and P. Chen. Surrey UK: Curzon. doi: 10.4324/9781315028873-10
Chen, P. (2001). Development and standardization of lexicon in modern written Chinese. Language Planning and Language Policy: East Asian Perspectives. (pp. 49-74) edited by N. Gottlieb and P. Chen. Surrey, UK: Curzon Press.
Gottlieb, N. R. and Chen, P. (2001). Language planning and language policy in East Asia: An overview. Language Planning and Language Policy: East Asian Perspectives. (pp. 1-20) edited by N.Gottlieb and P. Chen. Surrey, UK: Curzon Press. doi: 10.4324/9781315028873-7
Chen, Ping (2001). Development and standardization of lexicon in Modern Written Chinese. Language planning and language policy: East Asian perspectives. (pp. 49-73) edited by Gottlieb, Nanette and Chen, Ping. Surry, UK: Curzon Press.
Journal Articles
Chen, Ping (2022). By given or family name? A contrastive analysis of proper names as referential devices in Chinese and English. 当代修辞学 (2022(5)), 1-21. doi: 10.16027/j.cnki.cn31-2043/h.2022.05.006
Lim, Lily, Chen, Ping and Wang, Vincent Xian (2022). Translating TCM nomenclature into English: a bilingual reference tool needed for clinical practice. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 54 102155, 1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.eujim.2022.102155
Chen, Ping (2021). Teaching and researching in interdisciplinary subjects: what to do and how to do it. Chinese Journal of Language Policy and Planning , 6 (1), 11-12.
Chen, Ping (2021). Interdisciplinary studies of linguistics: theory and practice. Chinese Journal of Language Policy and Planning, 6 (1), 13-25.
Lu, Bingfu and Chen, Ping (2020). Distance iconicity: a fundamental attribute of syntactic formation. Studies of the Chinese Language (6), 643-661.
Chen, Ping (2020). Theoretical Linguistics, interdisciplinary linguistics and applied language studies: Observations and reflections. Contemporary Rhetoric (5), 1-18.
Chen, Ping (2018). On empirical evidence in the studies of modern Chinese grammar. Contemporary Rhetoric (5), 1-12.
Chen, Ping (2018). Chinese linguistics: past, present and future. Yuyan Zhanlue Yanjiu (Chinese Journal of Language Policy and Planning), 3 (1), 25-31.
Chen, Ping (2017). Inheritance and Abandonment - on the True Significance of the Vernacular Written Chinese Movement. Yuyan Zhanlue Yanjiu (Chinese Journal of Language Policy and Planning), 2, 61-70.
Chen, Ping (2017). Structure and Meaning of Discourse and Practice of Discourse Analysis. Contemporary Rhetoric, 2, 1-11. doi: 10.16027/j.cnki.cn31-2043/h.2017.02.001
Chen, Ping (2017). Politics, economics, society, and overseas Chinese teaching: a case study of Australia. Chinese Education and Society, 49 (6), 351-368. doi: 10.1080/10611932.2016.1252215
Chen, Ping (2016). Definiteness and grammaticalization in Chinese. Dangdai Xiucixue, 4, 1-13. doi: 10.16027/j.cnki.cn31-2043/h.2016.04.001
Chen, Ping (2015). Referentiality: a core concept in linguistics. Dangdai Xiucixue, 3, 1-15.
Chen, Ping (2015). Researching for publication in linguistics: what can we learn from classic works in the field. Dangdai Xiucixue, 6, 1-22.
Chen, Ping (2015). Opposition with the system as the foundation principle of Saussurean Modern Linguistics. Dangdai Xiucixue, 2, 1-11.
陈平 Chen, Ping (2013). 政治、经济、社会与海外汉语教学——以澳大利亚为例. Political, economical and ethnographical perspectives on teaching Chinese as a second language: a case study of Australia. Shijie Hanyu Jiaoxue, 27 (3), 400-412.
Chen, Ping (2012). Discourse analysis and studies of meaning. Dangdai Xiucixue, 4, 2-9.
Chen, Ping (2009). Aspects of referentiality. Journal of Pragmatics, 41 (8 (Childhood and Social Interaction in Everyday Life)), 1657-1674. doi: 10.1016/j.pragma.2009.03.002
陳平 Chen, Ping (2008). 語言民族主義:歐洲與中國. 外語教學與研究, 40 (1), 4-13.
Chen, P (2006). Introduction, integration and innovation: Reflections on the interaction between western linguistics and Chinese linguistics. Contemporary Linguistics, 8 (2), 165-173.
Chen, P. (2004). Double NP construction and topic-comment articulation in Chinese. Zhongguo Yuwen [Chinese Language & Writing], 6, 493-507.
Chen, Ping (2004). Han Yu Shuang Xiang Ming Ci Ju Yu Hua Ti - Chen Shu Jie Gou. Zhongguo Yuwen (6), 493-507.
Chen, Ping (2004). Identifiability and definiteness in Chinese. Linguistics, 42 (6), 1129-1184. doi: 10.1515/ling.2004.42.6.1129
Chen, Ping (2003). Indefinite determiner introducing definite referent: a special use of 'yi 'one' + classifier' in Chinese. Lingua, 113 (12), 1169-1184. doi: 10.1016/S0024-3841(02)00163-8
Chen P. (1996). Toward a phonographic writing system of Chinese: A case study in writing reform. International Journal of the Sociology of Language (122), 1-46. doi: 10.1515/ijsl.1996.122.1
Chen P. (1996). Pragmatic interpretations of structural topics and relativization in Chinese. Journal of Pragmatics, 26 (3), 389-406. doi: 10.1016/0378-2166(95)00042-9
Chen, Ping (1996). Modern written chinese, dialects, and regional identity. Language Problems and Language Planning, 20 (3), 223-243. doi: 10.1075/lplp.20.3.02che
Chen, Ping (1993). Modern Written Chinese in development. Language in Society, 22 (4), 505-537. doi: 10.1017/S0047404500017450