
Dr Martin Ward (PhD, Hiroshima) FHEA PGCAP is an Associate Professor of Chinese and Japanese Translation at the University of Leeds, UK.

Dr Ward has had published several China-related translations from Chinese and Japanese into English of historical documents, Chinese political discourse (such as chapters 7 & 8 of Bian, J. 2021. The Communist Party of China: A Concise History. ACA Publishing Ltd.), and literature, and also conducts research into the translation of the Kempeitai documents, Chinese political discourse, translation pedagogy and international telecollaboration.

He is currently a fellow of the Leeds Institute for Teaching Excellence, researching barriers to COIL-type interventions, and also employs international telecollaboration in his translation pedagogy.  He is also the founder of the East Asian Translation Pedagogy Advance (EATPA) network, which brings together educators teaching East Asian language translation at HE level across the globe to share best practice and advance pedagogic methodologies.


“Translators will soon become museum pieces and AI can do all the work translators working between Chinese and English now do.” NO WAY. Drawing on several years of experience of working as a Chinese to English translator and researching and teaching Chinese to English translation at various levels, in numerous genres, and to students with diverse backgrounds, Dr Martin Ward will outline what he believes to be some of the key approaches and concerns the translator working between Chinese and English should consider in the 2020s.With chances to interact and discuss real-world examples, consider important ideological and other factors, as well as disagree with the speaker completely,  this lecture and workshop aims to be positively intellectually provocative and engaging and stimulate discussion and exploration to challenge preconceptions of Chinese to English translation. We will all be better translators for it.  



Sir Llew Edwards Building, UQ