Language Teaching Travel Scholarship 2016

Looking to teach a language other than English when you graduate?
Why not study in a country where that language is spoken while you are at UQ?
Apply for the Language Teaching Travel Scholarship 2016.
"Experiencing a different way of life and culture in a major city of the world (Bogotá) was an incredible experience. I was able to drastically improve my Spanish language skills, I made connections with people from all over the world, building my global network, I now have a greater understanding and appreciation for the cultures of Latin America and the personal growth of living in a foreign city where a language other than English is spoken, on your own, is priceless.
Now that I have been overseas, I would love to pursue avenues that allow me to live and work overseas, particularly in South America. I hope to gain employment as a Spanish teacher either in Australia or overseas, or work in embassies of Spanish speaking countries here in Australia, or work with the United Nations in education. Now that I am more confident in speaking Spanish, the possibilities are endless.
You have to be in it to win it. Don’t hesitate to apply for anything and everything that you could be eligible for, as you may just be the one chosen."
Emma Hofstetter, 2014 Language Teaching Travel Scholarship recipient
The scholarship is open to students who:
(a) are domestic students as defined in the Fee Rules; and
(b) have successfully completed at least 8 units of their language courses; and
(c) do not hold another comparable scholarship; and
(d) have not previously held the scholarship; and
(e) submit the application to the Head by the closing date for applications; and
(f) have been accepted into the UQ Abroad Program to undertake at least 4 units of study towards their language major at a host university in a country where their target language is predominantly spoken.