
Associate Professor David Chapman was awarded a 2015 Japanese Studies research grant from the Queensland Program for Japanese Education (QPJE). His project is entitled ‘Japan’s Invisible Citizens’. The grant will be used to travel to Japan for data collection. 

Associate Professor Tomoko Aoyama has been awarded a National Library of Australia Japan Study Grant that will enable her to spend time in Japan working on two research projects during her forthcoming SSP.

Dr Lucy Fraser has also garnered a National Library grant to further her research on Japanese literature.

Greg Dickson has received around $19,000 to host a workshop in Katherine, Northern Territory that brings together leading scholars involved in research on creoles and contact languages in Northern Australia with experienced Indigenous research assistants from a variety of remote communities. It is part of a grant made available to members and affiliates of the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language to promote innovation and transdisciplinary activities within the Centre. The workshop, to take place in mid-2016, involves several scholars from the School of Languages and Cultures including Felicity Meakins and Amanda Hamilton plus researchers from ANU, Charles Darwin University, University of Michigan and Western Sydney University.

Dr Felicity Meakins has also been awarded a grant from the Indigenous Languages and Arts, Ministry of Arts for $100,000 to fund her project entitled “Technology in Ngumpin language revitalisation”.


Dr Sol Rojas-Lizana has had a recent publication of a paper entitled  “A very big thank you…” Letters of Gratitude in Local Newspapers from Australia and Chile in the 
Languages in contrast: International Journal for Contrastive Linguistics.

The animated documentary Clandestine Stories based onSol's graphic novel Historias Clandestinas has been selected out of more than 250 entries to participate at the DOK Leipzig festival.

Dok Leipzig is an international film festival and the oldest documentary festival in the world.


Other news

Associate Professor David Chapman has been elected as an Honourary Executive Member to the Board of the Journal of Comparative Studies in Japanese Culture (Hikaku Nihon Bunka Kenkyu). 

Finally, special congratualtions to Dr Lucy Frazer on her marraige in October.